Paolo Pombeni was born in Bolzano 10 September 1948. After
graduating in Law at Bologna University, he won a fellowship at the
Faculty of Political Sciences. Full Professor in Modern History
since 1980, he thaught at the University of Sassari and then, since
1984, at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Bologna where he
teaches two courses: "History of European Political Systems"
(bachelor level) and "History of the International Order in 20th
Century" (master level). He is director of: Centro studi per il
progetto Europeo (Bologna); Institute of Advanced Studies
(University of Bologna) 2010-2012, Italian-German Historical
Institute (Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler).
His main reserach fields are related to political history of
19th and 20th centuries in Europe.
During his career he served as Director of the Department of
Politics, institutions, and History, President of various teaching
branches of his Faculty, vice president of the board of the
Directors od Departments. He founded and seats now in the editorial
board of the review "Ricerche di Storia Politica" (Il Mulino,
Bologna) and is member of the editorial board of the "Journal of
Political Ideologies" (Oxford). Is also memebre of the Scientific
Committee of the Foundation for religious sciences (Bologna); is
main editor of the publication of Alcide De Gasperi's Speeches
and Political Writings.Is director of the study centre for the
European project devoted to the analysis of the European press (see;
was member (2006-2008) of the jury of the Institut Universiatire de
France; is member of the Excellency College of Bologna
Now Emeritus at the Department of Political and Social Sciences