Foto del docente

Paolo Forlin

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/E Christian, Late Antique and Medieval Archaeology

Short Bio

Paolo is an assistant professor in medieval archaeology.

He recently completed a 3-year MSCA project called WasteLands [] (Waste lands? New perspectives on the archaeology of post-disaster recovery in medieval Europe) under the co-supervision of Andrea Augenti (University of Bologna, Italy) and Matthew Johnson (Northwestern University, USA). Previously, he was research associate and Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in the Department of Archaeology of Durham University (UK) and research associate at the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon (France).

Paolo graduated from the University of Padua and received a PhD in archaeology from the University of Trento in Italy.

He intensively works on the archaeology of disasters and his research interests include medieval archaeology, landscape archaeology, disaster studies, archaeological theory, resilience, memory and inequality.


Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà
Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Office hour is on Tuesday, 13-15, in person in my office at the CLA of San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna, or remotely via Teams. I kindly request that all meetings be arranged via email in advance.

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