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H_index: 19, Citations: 1191, Papers: 146 (SCOPUS)
Paolo Castaldi received the Master Degree cum laude in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D in System Engineering from UNIBO. He is Associate Professor at DEI-UNIBO. He is a vice chair of the IFAC TC on Aerospace. He is author of a research book, several book chapters and 140 articles on International Journals and congress proceedings. He has been plenary speaker, organizer and program chair.
He has been coordinator and member of several research and industrial projects.
He has been supervisor of 3 Ph.D students and he is member of the PhD SEHM2 (UNIBO)
He is Associated Editor of Control Engineering Practice and Aerospace Engineering
He has the license as Private Pilot (PPL) and for piloting drones till 24 kg. He has been coordinator of several Permit to Fly procedures.
Research interests: FDI and FTC theory, adaptive filtering, system identification, and their applications to aerospace systems; fuzzy logic, neural networks and machine learning for the FDI and FTC of industrial processes, power plants and renewable energy conversion systems.
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