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Paola-Maria Caleffi holds a PhD in English Studies and the additional title of Doctor Europaeus. Before her PhD, she gained a BA in Linguistics and Modern Foreign Languages Teaching and an MA in Linguistics. She is currently Junior Assistant Professor in English Language, Translation and Linguistics (ANGL-01/C, former L-LIN/12) in the Department of Education Sciences ‘Giovanni Maria Bertin’ at the University Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna. She has been teaching in the academic field of ANGL-01/C for several years, and has run modules and workshops at the Universities of Verona, Venice, Padua and Mantua, teaching BA, MA, and PhD students. She also collaborated with the University of Middlesex (UK) and the university UCLM (Spain). Her research interests include English language and linguistics, English language teaching, language and society, new media and language change, English as a Lingua Franca. Her current research project is concerned with childhood education in English (Pre-School and Primary School), with a focus on the teaching of pronunciation.
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