Foto del docente

Paola Taddei

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-07/A Biochemistry

Director of First Cycle Degree in Physiotherapy


P. Taddei; S. Affatato; C. Fagnano; A. Toni, Photoluminescence investigations on alumina ceramic bearing couples tested under different angles of inclination in a hip joint simulator., «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE», 2006, 41, pp. 399 - 407 [Scientific article]

M. Zavalloni; S. Affatato; P. Taddei; C. Fagnano; A. Toni, The effects of irradiation and artificial aging on the wear behaviour of UHMWPE., in: 16th Annual Meeting EORS, Transaction, BOLOGNA, N. Baldini, L. Savarino, 2006, 16, pp. 189 - 189 (atti di: 16th Annual Meeting EORS, Bologna (Italy), June 7-9, 2006) [Abstract]

G. Freddi; A. Anghileri; S. Sampaio; J. Buchert; P. Monti; P. Taddei, Tyrosinase-catalyzed modification of Bombix mori silk fibroin: grafting of chitosan under heterogeneous reaction conditions., «JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2006, 125, pp. 281 - 294 [Scientific article]

P. Monti; G. Freddi; C. Arosio; M. Tsukada; T. Arai; P. Taddei, Vibrational spectroscopic study of sulfated silk proteins., in: XXVIII European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, ISTANBUL, Sevim Akyuz, Elif Akalin, 2006, pp. 109 - 109 (atti di: XXVIII European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Istanbul (Turkey), September 2-8, 2006) [Abstract]

P. Taddei; S. Affatato; R. Torrecillas; C. Fagnano; P. Ferrieri; A. Toni, Wear behaviour, fluorescence and SEM investigations on nanocomposite zirconia-toughened alumina., «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE», 2006, 41, pp. 5310 - 5316 [Scientific article]

S. Affatato; M. Rocchi; M. Zepponi; P. Taddei; C. Fagnano; A. Toni, A long-term in vitro wear study of a new advanced nanocomposites materials., in: 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 596 - 596 (atti di: 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (NA), 11-16 settembre 2005) [Abstract]

M. Reggiani; A. Tinti; P. Taddei; M. Visentin; S. Stea; C. Fagnano, Aumento di cristallinità, cambiamento di fase cristallina ed ossidazione di coppe acetabolari HylamerTM espiantate., in: Congresso Nazionale Biomateriali 2005 (SIB-GIB), MILANO, SIB-GIB, 2005, pp. 175 - 175 (atti di: Congresso Nazionale Biomateriali 2005 (SIB-GIB), Milano, 26-27 Ottobre 2005) [Abstract]

R. Pistocchi; G. Trigari; G.P. Serrazanetti; P. Taddei; G. Monti; S. Palamidesi; F. Guerrini; G. Bottura; P. Serratore; M. Fabbri; M. Pirini; V. Ventrella; A. Pagliarani; L. Boni; A.R. Borgatti, Chemical and biochemical parameters of cultured diatoms and bacteria from the Adriatic sea as possible biomarkers of mucilage production, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2005, 353, pp. 287 - 299 [Scientific article]

A. Krajewski; A. Ravaglioli; A. Tinti; P. Taddei; M. Mazzocchi; R. Martinetti; C. Fagnano; M. Fini, Comparison between the in vitro surface transformations of AP40 and RKKP bioactive glasses, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. MATERIALS IN MEDICINE», 2005, 16 (2), pp. 119 - 128 [Scientific article]

Checchi L.; Montevecchi M.; Moreschi A.; Graziosi F.; Taddei P.; Violante F.S., Efficacy of three face masks in preventing inhalation of airborne contaminants in dental practice, «THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION», 2005, 136, pp. 877 - 882 [Scientific article]

S. Sampaio; P. Taddei; P. Monti; J. Buchert; G. Freddi, Enzymatic grafting of chitosan onto Bombyx mori silk fibroin: kinetic and IR vibrational studies, «JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2005, 116, pp. 21 - 33 [Scientific article]

P. Taddei; M. Di Foggia; C. Fagnano, In vitro bioactivity of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-apatite (PCL-AP) scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: the influence of the PCL/AP ratio., in: , «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 2005, 28, pp. 903 - 903 (atti di: XXXII Annual ESAO Congress, Bologna - Italy, 5-8 October 2005) [Abstract]

P. Taddei; M. Di Foggia; C. Fagnano, In vitro bioactivity of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-apatite (PCL-AP) scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: the influence of the PCL/AP ratio., in: , «ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 2005, 29, pp. 747 - 747 (atti di: ESAO-IFAO Joint Congress, Bologna, Italy, October 5–8, 2005) [Abstract]

P. Taddei; M. Di Foggia; C. Fagnano, In vitro bioactivity of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-apatite(PCL-AP) scaffold for bone tissue engineering: the influence of the PCL/AP ratio., in: International Federation for Artificial Organs, s.l, s.n, 2005(atti di: XXXII ESAO Congress (European Society for Artificial Organs), Bologna, 5-8 October 2005) [Abstract]

P. Taddei; A. Tinti; M. Reggiani; M. Di Foggia; G. Ciapetti; N. Baldini; C. Fagnano, In vitro biodegradation and osteoconductivity of poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/apatite scaffolds for bone repair., in: 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 513 - 513 (atti di: 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, Sorrento (NA), 11-16 Settembre 2005) [Abstract]