Foto del docente

Paola Taddei

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Director of First Cycle Degree in Physiotherapy

Curriculum vitae

1994    Laurea in Chemistry with honours, University of Bologna.

1995    Qualification to Chemist Profession .

1995/96-1998/99 Fellowship for a Ph.D in Medical Biotechnologies, at “G. Moruzzi” Biochemistry Department, University of Bologna (“Bioceramics and composites with osteogenic properties”).

2000    Ph.D in Medical Biotechnologies .

2000    Fellowship (6 months) at “G. Moruzzi” Biochemistry Department, University of Bologna (“Raman vibrational spectroscopic analysis of bioactive composite biomaterials”).

2000-2001 Post-Doctoral fellowship on Medical Sciences at “G. Moruzzi” Biochemistry Department, University of Bologna ( “Vibrational spectroscopic characterization of ceramic and polymeric biomaterials before and after treatment in vitro and/or in vivo”) .

2000-2001 Research consultant for the  Laboratory of Medical Technology, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna.

2001-2002 C1 technician (technical-scientific area and data elaboration) at “G. Moruzzi” Biochemistry Department, University of Bologna

2002-2006 D1 technician (technical-scientific area and data elaboration) at “G. Moruzzi” Biochemistry Department, University of Bologna

2006 D2 technician (technical-scientific area and data elaboration) at “G. Moruzzi” Biochemistry Department, University of Bologna

Since 1st October 2007 Associate Professor in Biochemistry (SSD BIO/10) at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.


The scientific activity of Professor Paola Taddei, in cooperation with national and international scientific institutions,  mainly concerned the study (by Raman and IR spectroscopy and thermal analysis) of bioceramic and polymeric biomaterials and the structural characterization of active pharmaceutical ingredients. In the latter research field, she was member of the Scientific Committee of National and International Workshops organized from 2006 to 2009 by the group of Molecular Crystal Engineering of  “G. Ciamician” Chemistry Department and PolyCrystalline s.r.l.. In 2009 she was designated as Academic Partner of Progetto Più “Research, development and patency of new crystal forms deriving from active pharmaceutical ingredients” presented by PolyCrystalLine Srl to Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura of Bologna

She was in the Organising Committee of GISR2012 (Bologna 6th-8th june 2012).

She is author of 148 scientific in extenso  publications (mainly on peer-reviewed international journals with IF) and 135 communications to national and international conferences (20 published on peer-reviewed international journals with IF).

She acts as reviewer for numerous international journals. She acted as referee for the Austrian Science Fund.



Main and most recent research subjects in biomedical field

  • Wear study on articular ceramic or polyethylene prostheses after in vivo implant and in vitro tests on hip joint simulator.
  • Study on the degradation mechanism and bioactivity of composite scaffolds based on biodegradable polymers for bone tissue repair.
  • Structural study on silk fibroin-based materials chemically modified for biomedical applications
  • Conformational study on self-assembling peptides absorbed on titanium oxide for bone tissue engineering
  • Study on the hydration mechanism and bioactivity on modified Portland cements for endodontic use


Main collaborations:

  • Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician"
  • Laboratory of Medical Technology, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (Bologna);
  • Division of Applied Biology, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Nagano (Giappone).
  • Department of Chemical Processes in Engineering, University of Padua