Foto del docente

Paola Mello

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Paola Mello ha pubblicato piu' di 200 lavori scientifici ampiamente citati in letteratura.

Numerose sono le pubblicazioni  su  riviste internazionali di prestigio, fra cui citiamo:

·        ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems

·        ACM Transactions on Computational Logic

·        IEEE Transaction on Information Technology in Biomedicine

·        IEEE Transactions on Transportation Systems,

·        ACM Computing Survey

·        Theorethical Computer Science

·        Information Processing Letters

·        New Generation Computing

·        IEEE Expert

·        Journal of Logic Programming

·        International Journal of  Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

·        Applied Artificial Intelligence

·        The Computer Languages

·        Journal of Logic and Computation

·        Software Practice and Experience

·        Intelligent Data Analysis

·        Expert System With Application

·        Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Artificial Intelligence

·        Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing

·        Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory


Molti lavori, inoltre, sono stati presentati alle conferenze piu' importanti del settore. In particolare:

·        The International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP).

·        The International Symposium on Logic Programming (ILPS).

·        The International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP)

·        International Joint Conference of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS)

·        Joint European Conference in Logic in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA)

·        International Joint  Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)

·        European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)

·        Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP)

·        International Conference on Logic Programing and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR).

·        International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS).

·        Intl. Conference on Practical Applications of Prolog and Constraint Technology (PACLP)

·        European Conference on Planning (ECP).

·        ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (SAC).


E` stata inoltre editor di atti di congressi nazionali ed internazionali ed e' co-autrice di un libro sulla programmazione logica (UTET editore) giunto alla sua seconda edizione ed adottato in Corsi di Intelligenza Artificiale presso le Università` di Bologna, Torino e Palermo.


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