Foto del docente

Paola Manes

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: GIUR-01/A Private Law


Keywords: trust, wealth planning, foundations artifcial intellingence, machine learning, ethic corporate governance financial institutions Insirance Law and financial institutions

Professor Manes's main fields of research concern:

1) ring fenced funds;

2) trust;

3) foundation and legal person;

4) asset segregation in company law;

5) international bank guarantees.


Courses, conferences, seminars:

2019 - participation in the conference: Disruptive Innovation and Law...Evolution Towards A Tech-Law World, Brunel University, London

2019 - Innovation and other Contemporary Pivotal Issues in Financial Markets Law and Company Law - Selected National, International, European and Comparative Views, Università La Sapienza, Rome

2018 - Scientific Director of the seminar "Il contratto internazionale: vecchi e nuovi problemi per giudice, arbitro, imprese e consulenti, anche alla luce della soft law" Alma mater studiorum - University of Bologna

2017 - Speaker at the seminar "Contemporary Issues in Financial Markets Law and Company Law - National, International, European and Comparative Perspectives" Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - London (UK)

2017 - Speaker at the seminar Solvency II: a dynamic challenge for the insurance sector MIB Trieste School of Management

2017 - Speaker at the seminar "Regulating and supervising European Financial Markets: challenges, opportunities and risks" King's College London - London (United Kingdom)

2017 Speaker at the seminar "Contemporary Challenges in Regulating and Supervising European Financial Markets - Quo Vadis European Union? HTW Berlin, University of Applied Sciences - Berlin (Germany)

2016 - Scientific Director of the seminar " Il diritto comparato nelle decisioni dei Giudici" Alma mater studiorum - University of Bologna

2016 - Workshop: Solvency2 and Andenas and Deipenbrock (eds) "Regulating and Supervising European Financial Markets"; University of Oslo

2014 - Lecture series - LLM in Banking and Finance Queen Mary University London, Institute for Commercial Studies - London, UK

2014 - Scientific Director of international congress " Il debito sovrano: gestione e sostenibilità", University of Bologna

2013 Tutor, research grant on "Il segreto fiduciario e i diritti dei terzi" Alma mater studiorum - University of Bologna

2013, 2016 LLM Lecturer, IE University - Madrid, Segovia, Spain

2013-2014 Lecturer at Alma Graduate School, Alma mater studiorum - University of Bologna - Bologna, Italy

2013 Tutor, winner of a scholarship on " Il segreto fiduciario e i diritti dei terzi" Alma mater studiorum - University of Bologna, Department of Legal Sciences - Bologna, Italy

2012- ongoing Professor of Comparative Private Law

2012- ongoing Lecturer at Master in Trust Law, Consorzio Uniforma

2012- ongoing Lecturer AIDC Milano The Wealth Planning specialist

2005-2006 Lecturer LLM Professor King's College London - London, UK

Participation as a speaker at numerous conferences on civil, commercial and comparative private law.


Research projects and other projects:

  • Participation Operational Research Unit managed by Prof. Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella related to the PRIN entitled "Administrative reforms: policies, legal issues, and results" (2018)
  • Participation as researcher in the Research Unit managed by Prof. Fabio Alberto Roversi-Monaco on the PRIN (COFIN) on the protection of savings (2005-2008)
  • Editorial committee of Commentario compatto al codice civile edited by F. Galgano, casa editrice La tribuna, Piacenza (2008-2012)
  • CINECA Referee (2012)
  • World Universities Comparative Law Project - Allen & Overy, Global Law
  • Intelligence Unit - Prof. Philip Wood (2014-2015)
  • Referee of the journal "Famiglia e diritto" (2012-ongoing)
  • Participation in the Alma Idea research project entitled: " Destinazione patrimoniale e causa fiduciaria: un approccio interdisciplinare per una prospettiva ricostruttiva unitaria".
  • Editorial board of the journals "Contratto e impresa" and "Contratto e impresa Europa" (2009 -ongoing)
  • Evaluation Committee of the journal "Trusts e attività fiduciarie".