Foto del docente

Paola Giuri

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-07/A Economia e gestione delle imprese

Curriculum vitae

Scarica Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 81KB )


2016 - now Full Professor of Management, Bologna University, Department of Management.

2007 - 2016 Associate Professor of Management, Bologna University, Department of Management.

2000 - 2007 Assistant Professor of Management, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.



Associate Dean for Professional Masters (May 2023-now)

Associate Dean for Faculty and Research (Jan 2021-Apr 2023)

Associate Dean for Research (2019-2020)

Member of the Dean's Roundtable (May 2023-now)

Member of the Leadership Team (Jan 2019-now)

Member of the Accreditation Team (2019-now)


Delegate for the Management area in the Research Evaluation Committee (2022-now)


Chair of the Department of Excellence project (2018-now)

Director of the Department at Rimini Campus (2012-2020)

Chair of Research (2018-2020)

Chari of Third Mission (2018-2020)

Department Council (Giunta) (2012-now)

Research Committee (2018-now)

Teaching Committee (2018-2020)

Member of the Accreditation Team (2020-now)

Director of the International M.S. in Business Administration and Management - Service Management (2014-2018)

Faculty Board of the Ph.D. Programme in Management (2012-2020)

Member of the Accreditation Team (2021-now)


Vice President (2016-2021)

School Council (2012-2021)

Several Commissions for the Selection of Associate Professors, Teaching assistants, Lecturers and Teaching contracts, Post-docs, Tutors, and for the Admission of undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD students (2010-now)

Coordinator of Working Group on Ted Qual quality certification (2009-2010)

Coordinator of projects for improving student services (2008-2012)


Campus Board (2013-2021).

Board of CAST (Centre of Advanced Studies for Tourism) (2014-2018).


Board of regents of the Bank of Italy in Emilia Romagna (2020-now)

Technical Scientific Committee of the competition “New Ideas New Firms” (2011 – today)

Director of the Master in Management of Innovation, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (2004-2005)

Faculty Committee of the Doctoral Program in Business Administration, Bocconi University, Milan (2004-2005)

Faculty Member of the Doctoral Program in Economics and Management, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (2000-2005)

Coordinator of Seminars, Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM), Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (2000-2005)

Coordinator of Ph.D. Work in Progress Seminars, Doctoral Program in Economics and Management, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (2000-2005).


1996 - 2000 PhD in Economics and Management of Innovation, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.

1996 - 1997 Master in Management of Innovation, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.

1990 - 1995 M.Sc. in Economics and Business, Pisa University.


1998 – 1999 Visiting Study Fellow, SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (May 1998 - December 1999). Grant by the European Commission - TMR Marie Curie Programme and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.


2003 - now Bachelor programs: Strategy, Management

2004 - now M.Sc. programs: Corporate Strategy, Business Strategy, International Management, Strategic Management, Industry Analysis, Management of Knowledge and Innovation

1998 - now Professional Masters: Global Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Management of Intellectual Property, R&D Organization and Management

2009 - now Executive programs: Management of intellectual property, Open innovation, Organization and collaboration strategies for innovation, Exploitation of technologies, markets for technologies and technology licensing.

2000-now Doctoral programs: Technology transfer and licensing, Non conventional models of developing, protecting and exploiting innovation, Management of companies’ technological portfolio, Economics and management of weak and strong intellectual property rights, Strategy, resource-based and capability view of the firm, Industry life cycle, Theory and reality: using history, theory and empirical analysis to understand economic phenomena and to inform policy debates, Economics of patents and intellectual property rights: theory, institutional changes and empirics, Empirical studies and data on IPRs, knowledge flows and collaborations.



European Commission-funded Horizon 2020 Progress TT, Capacity Buinding for Technology Transfer. January 2015-2018.

European Investment Bank - EIBURS Programme, “FinKT - Financing Knowledge Transfer in Europe”, March 2012 – February 2015 (scientific coordinator).

European Commission DG Research , “InnoS&T - Innovative S&T indicators combining patent data and surveys: Empirical models and policy analyses”, April 2008 – March 2011.

European Commission DG Research , “GlobInn - The changing nature of Internationalization of Innovation in Europe: impact on firms and the implications for innovation policy in the EU”, European Commission DG Research May 2008 – April 2011.

European Commission, Member of the management committee of the COST network “COST Action IS0604 “Science and Technology Research in a Knowledge-based Economy – STRIKE” (October 2007- October 2011). Co-leader of the Working group “Intellectual property rights”.

European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, The strategic use of patents and its implications for enterprise and competition policies, (March 2006 – July 2007).

DIME, European Union – 6th Framework Programme. Within the DIME NoE coordinator of the work package The Performance of IPR Systems and Differences in Potentials for Growth, May 2005 – October 2007.

European Science Foundation, Program European Collaborative Research Project in the Social Sciences (ECRPSS) 4th Call, Science and Technology Research in a Knowledge-Based Economy (March 2006 - March 2009)

European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services, Study on Evaluating the Knowledge Economy - What Are Patents Actually Worth? The Value of Patents for Today Economy and Society, Contract No ETD/2004/IM/E3/77 (December 2004 - July2006)

European Union – 6th Framework Programme NoE, Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (May 2005-October 2007).

European Commission, DG Science and Technology, European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP), Thematic Network, Contract N. HPSE-CT-2002-60053 (September 2004 - November 2005)

European Commission, DG Science and Technology, Economic Change: Micro-Foundations of Organisational and Institutional Changes in Europe, Contract N. SERD-2002-00117 (October 2002-October 2005)

European Commission, DG Science and Technology, The Value of European Patents: Empirical Models and Policy Implications Based on a Survey of European Inventors, Contract N. HPV2-2001-00013 (January 2002-June 2004)

Various national research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN and FIRB programmes), Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Bocconi University, and other institutions.


2010 A. Gambardella, P. Giuri and A. Luzzi. The Market for Patents in Europe. 2007

2010 “Richard R. Nelson Prize Award” for the best article published in four years of the journal Research Policy.

2007 P. Giuri and M. Mariani. Proximity of Inventors and Knowledge Flows.

Best Paper Award, Druid Summer Conference 2007, Copenhagen.

2004 P. Giuri and A. Luzzi. Patterns of growth of Technology-based SMEs in Europe

Best Paper of the Track, European Academy of Management Conference, St. Andrews.


Referee for the following Journals: Economics of Innovation of New Technology, European Management Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Industrial and Corporate Change, Industry and Innovation, Innovation and Development, International Journal of Industrial Organization, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Review of Applied Economics, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Management Research, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Strategic Management Journal, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

Referee for the following Conferences: Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, European Academy of Management, Druid Summer Conference, Strategic Management Society.

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