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Nikolaos Dimitratos

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Curriculum vitae

Nikolaos Dimitratos (ND) is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna from November 2018, Italy and specialises in the development of nanoparticulate materials for a range of chemical applications. ND  studied chemistry at the University of Bath and received his PhD at the University of Liverpool in 2003.
ND has extensive expertise in the synthesis, characterisation and catalytic testing of a range of materials for gas and liquid phase reactions. He has been involved in the development and management of several leading research projects (Auricat-ITN), Glycerol Challenge (TSB) and Dow Methane Challenge), having spent several years in the UK (at Liverpool, Cardiff and UCL) and Italy (Milan). He was a principal investigator in a range of projects at the UK Catalysis Hub (Nanoparticle Design) and a Co-Investigator on several EPSRC research grants totalling around £4.5 M. To date, ND has authored >200 research articles in top-tier journals including Science, Nature Chemistry and Angewandte Chemie, ACS Nano, as well as having four international patents, and an H-index of 64 with more than 15000 citations and has given >45 presentations (12 invited, two plenaries).