Foto del docente

Nicoletta Testoni

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-09/B Blood Diseases

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor at the University of Bologna, she carries out her research in the field of blood disorders. Her research interests are focused on the cytogenetics of the onco-hematological diseases.


Graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Bologna

Academic Career

Graduate technician 1988-2002 - Institute of Haematology "L. e A. Seràgnoli", Bologna University

Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna - disciplinary sector MED/15 Blood Diseases from 1.10.2002 to 14.10.2014

Associate Professor at the University of Bologna -disciplinary sector MED/15 Blood Diseases; Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine of the University of Bologna since 2014

Teaching activity

Professor of “Hematology” - Interdisciplinary Clinical Sciences - Degree Course in Dental Hygiene of the University of Bologna from 2005 to 20012

Professor of “Exercises and laboratory” Integrated Course Onco Hematological Genetics - Master’s Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna 2014/2015.

Professor of "Oncoematological Genetics-Cytogenetics" Integrated Course Onco Heamtological Genetics - Master’s Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna from 2015 to date.

Professor of "Oncoematological and of the blood dyscrasias genetics -Cytogenetics" Integrated Course Onco Hematological Genetics - Master’s Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna from 2015 to date.

Professor of "Anemias", "Cytology", "Cytogenetics" e "Hematolgy Diagnostics" - Specialization School in Hematolofy of the University of Bologna from 2014 to date

Tutor and lecturer of students for Internship/Thesis

Tutor and supervisor of Doctoral students and Research fellows

Scientific activity

Research Fellow Human Genetics (Tutor Prof. Herman van den Berghe), University of Leuven (Belgium) (1986 and 1995)

Investigators in AIRC, CNR, MURST, COFIN, AIL (Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie) and FIRB projects.

Head of Operative Unit PRIN project of the Ministry of Health (2005-2006)

Referee of international journals

Auhtor or Co-Author of more than 250 scientific papers

Institutional Activities

Member of the Teaching Commitee of the School of Speciality in Hematology of the Univeristy of Bologna


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