Foto del docente

Nicola Zengiaro

PhD Student

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: M-FIL/05 Philosophy and Theory of Language

Short Bio

Nicola Zengiaro is a Ph.D. candidate in Semiotics at the Department of Philosophy and Communication at the University of Bologna, currently focusing on biosemiotics and ecosemiotics. His research centers on the use of the notion of life within the field of biosemiotics, exploring how the application of complexity theories to semiotics challenges and redefines the boundaries between life and non-life. Previously, he specialized at the University of Santiago de Compostela and obtained his second master’s degree from the University of Verona. He is a member of the Landscape and Environmental Semiotics research group at TraMe - Center for Semiotic Studies on Memory and part of the team in the project CULT-UP: Upcycling and Cultural Heritage, where he investigates the relationships between plastic materials and cultural heritage. Additionally, he is on the editorial boards of the journals "Animal Studies. Rivista italiana di Zooantropologia" and "Animot: L'altra filosofia," and has published several articles in international journals on animality and biosemiotics. Go to the Curriculum vitae



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