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I am interested in the study and improvement of risk assessment and management in the broadest sense, from economic to organizational implications.
I am also Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU. I have previously worked in internationally renowned research teams in United Kingdom (Health and Safety Laboratory), Norway (SINTEF), and Canada (Memorial University of Newfoundland).
I have been involved in a number of projects dealing with industrial and societal risks, such as:
- EU FP7 projects
- “DemoCLOCK” on demonstration of power production with CO2 capture;
- “iNTeg-Risk” on early recognition, monitoring and integrated management of emerging, new technology related risks.
- Projects financed by the Norwegian Research Council
- “New Strains of Society: Hidden, Dynamic and Emergent Vulnerabilities”, on the development of an analytical framework to handle new societal threats;
- “Petro-HRA” on the analysis of human actions as barriers in major accidents in the petroleum industry, co-financed by Statoil.
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