Foto del docente

Nicola Grandi

Full Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: GLOT-01/A Historical and General Linguistics

Head of Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 294KB )

What follows is a brief summary of my CV.

For the whole CV and the list of my publications see the attached file



1997 Degree in Lettere (Humanities), at the University of Ferrara. Dissertation (directed by Sergio Scalise) in Linguistics: I limiti della complessità sulla nozione di parola derivata possible

1998 Summer School on Typology at the University of Mainz (Germany)

1999 INALCO (Paris) and University of Paris X (Nanterre)

1999 Institue of Linguistics of the University of Malta

2002 Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Pavia (Dept. of Linguistics); (Ph.D. Diss.: Le costruzioni valutative nelle lingue del Mediterraneo; Evaluative constructions in Mediterranean Area)

Academic position:

2001-2005: Researcher of Historical and General Linguistics at the Facoltà di Scienze della formazione of the University of Milan - Bicocca

2005-2008: Associate Professor of Historical and General Linguistics at the Facoltà di Scienze della formazione of the University of Milan - Bicocca

2008-2016: Associate Professor of Historical and General Linguistics at the University of Bologna

2013: National Academic Qualification as Full Professor (Professore Ordinario)

2016-at present: Full professor of Historical and General Linguistics at the University of Bologna


Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI) (from 2008 to 2011: member of the executive committee, since 2014 National Secretary)

Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG) (from 2010 to 2013: member of the executive committee)

Societas Linguistica Europeae

Association of Linguistic Typology (ALT)

Other academic duties

At present:

since 2011 Director of the series ‘Linguistica e linguistiche', Pàtron, Bologna.

since 2012  Member of the executive council (‘Giunta') of the Department of Filologia Classica e Italianistica

since 2012 Director of  the course 'Lettere (Humanities)' (L 10) 

since 2012 Member of the committee of the Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali of the University of Bologna

since 2012 Member of the Join Committee (‘Commissione paritetica') of the Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali of the University of Bologna

since 2012 Member of the Scientific Committee of the series ‘Linguistics' - Publisher Caissa Italia

since 2012 President of the Research Center ‘Didattica dell'italiano' of the University of Bologna

since 2014 Staff member of the PhD course in Linguistics of the University of Bergamo


1998-2000 University of Pavia, Dept. of Linguistics

Representative of PhD students in the Department's board

Person in charge of the updating of the Linguistics section of the Library ‘Plinio Fraccaro'

1999-2000 University of Pavia, Dept. of Linguistics

Member of the scientific committee of the Library ‘Plinio Fraccaro'

2001-2003 University of Milan – Bicocca, Faculty of Scienze della Formazione

Head of 'commissione tesi'

2002-2008 University of Milan – Bicocca, Dept. of Scienze umane per la formazione “R. Massa”

Computing consultant at Department level

2003-2006 University of Milan – Bicocca, Faculty of Scienze della Formazione

Head of 'commissione orario'


2003-2013   Staff member of the PhD course in Linguistics of the University of Pavia

2004-2008 University of Studi di Milano – Bicocca

Member of 'Comitato d'area per le Scienze storiche, filosofiche e pedagogiche'

(from 2004 to 2006 as President)

2007 University of Milan – Bicocca, Faculty of Scienze della Formazione

Member of 'Commissione revisione ordinamenti'

2008-2011 Assistant director of Dipartimento di Studi linguistici e orientali at the University of Bologna

2011-2012 Vice President of the Master's Degree in ‘Italianistica, culture letterarie europee e scienze linguistiche' (LM 14 – from april to seprtember 2011 as President)

2012-2013 Member of the committee of the library of Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica