Foto del docente

Nicola Abatangelo

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-03/A Mathematical Analysis


Abatangelo, Nicola; Jarohs, Sven, On the Shape of the First Fractional Eigenfunction, «POTENTIAL ANALYSIS», 2024, 60, pp. 1461 - 1486 [Scientific article]Open Access

Abatangelo, Nicola; Jarohs, Sven, Oscillatory phenomena for higher-order fractional Laplacians, «PUBLICACIONS MATEMÀTIQUES», 2024, 68, pp. 267 - 286 [Scientific article]

Abatangelo N.; Fall M.M.; Temgoua R.Y., A Hopf lemma for the regional fractional Laplacian, «ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA», 2023, 202, pp. 95 - 113 [Scientific article]Open Access

Abatangelo N.; Gomez-Castro D.; Vazquez J.L., Singular boundary behaviour and large solutions for fractional elliptic equations, «JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2023, 107, pp. 568 - 615 [Scientific article]Open Access

Abatangelo N.; Cozzi M., An elliptic boundary value problem with fractional nonlinearity, «SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS», 2021, 53, pp. 3577 - 3601 [Scientific article]Open Access

Abatangelo N.; Jarohs S.; Saldana A., Fractional Laplacians on ellipsoidsy, «MATHEMATICS IN ENGINEERING», 2021, 3, Article number: e2021038 , pp. 1 - 34 [Scientific article]Open Access


Abatangelo N., A remark on nonlocal Neumann conditions for the fractional Laplacian, «ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK», 2020, 114, pp. 699 - 708 [Scientific article]Open Access

Abatangelo N.; Ros-Oton X., Obstacle problems for integro-differential operators: Higher regularity of free boundaries, «ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS», 2020, 360, Article number: 106931 , pp. 1 - 61 [Scientific article]Open Access

Abatangelo N.; Valdinoci E., Getting acquainted with the fractional Laplacian, in: Springer INdAM Series, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 1 - 105 (SPRINGER INDAM SERIES) [Chapter or essay]

Abatangelo N.; Dipierro S.; Fall M.M.; Jarohs S.; Saldana A., Positive powers of the Laplacian in the half-space under Dirichlet boundary conditions, «DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS», 2019, 39, pp. 1205 - 1235 [Scientific article]

Abatangelo N.; Jarohs S.; Saldana A., Green function and Martin kernel for higher-order fractional Laplacians in balls, «NONLINEAR ANALYSIS», 2018, 175, pp. 173 - 190 [Scientific article]

Abatangelo N.; Jarohs S.; Saldana A., Integral representation of solutions to higher-order fractional Dirichlet problems on balls, «COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS», 2018, 20, Article number: 1850002 , pp. 1850002 - 1850037 [Scientific article]

Abatangelo N.; Jarohs S.; Saldana A., On the loss of maximum principles for higher-order fractional laplacians, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2018, 146, pp. 4823 - 4835 [Scientific article]

Abatangelo N.; Jarohs S.; Saldana A., Positive powers of the laplacian: From hypersingular integrals to boundary value problems, «COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS», 2018, 17, pp. 899 - 922 [Scientific article]

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