Foto del docente

Niccolò Lanzoni

Adjunct professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Department of Legal Studies

Research fellow

Department of Legal Studies

Short Bio

Niccolò Lanzoni is post-doctoral research fellow and adjunct professor in International Law at the Department of Law and at the Department of Cultural Heritage.

He holds a PhD in International Law from the University of Bologna and has been admitted to the Italian Bar. He has obtained the "National Scientific Qualification" (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) for the position of associate professor in International Law in Italian universities. Previously, he held the position of post-doctoral research fellow (assegnista di ricerca) and adjunct professor at the same university.

He is also adjunct professor in International Law at the Higher School for Linguistic Mediators (CIELS). A visiting research fellow at the Heidelberg Institute para América Latina and former guest lecturer at the Eastern Mediterranean University, he served as research assistant for the Italian Defence College in the M/V 'Norstar' case (Panama v Italy).

In 2023 he published the monograph L'acquiescenza nel diritto internazionale with Editoriale Scientifica.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


0039 051 306948

Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Via Zamboni 27/29, Bologna - Go to map

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