N. Pinardi; E. Arneri; A. Crise; M. Ravaioli; M. Zavatarelli, The physical, sedimentary and ecological structure and variability of shelf areas in the Mediterranean Sea, in: The Sea. Vol 14B: The coasts of Africa, Europe, Middle East, Oceania and polar regions, CAMBRIDGE, Harvard University Press, 2005, pp. 1243 - 1330 (The Sea) [Chapter or essay]
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Demirov E.; Pinardi N.; Fratianni C.; Tonani M.; Giacomelli L.; De Mey P., Assimilation scheme of the Mediterranean Forecasting System: Operational implementation, «ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE», 2003, 21, pp. 189 - 204 [Scientific article]
Vichi M.; Oddo P.; Zavatarelli M.; Coluccelli A.; Coppini G.; Celio M.; Fonda Umani S.; Pinardi N., Calibration and validation of a one-dimensional complex marine biogeochemical flux model in different areas of the northern Adriatic shelf, «ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE», 2003, 21, pp. 413 - 436 [Scientific article]
Manzella G.M.R.; Scoccimarro E.; Pinardi N.; Tonani M., Improved near real-time data management procedures for the Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System-voluntary observing ship program, «ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE», 2003, 21, pp. 49 - 62 [Scientific article]
Sparnocchia S.; Pinardi N.; Demirov E., Multivariate Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis of the upper thermocline structure of the Mediterranean Sea from observations and model simulations, «ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE», 2003, 21, pp. 167 - 187 [Scientific article]
Raicich F.; Pinardi N.; Navarra A., Teleconnections between Indian monsoon and Sahel rainfall and the Mediterranean, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY», 2003, 23, pp. 173 - 186 [Scientific article]
Zavatarelli M.; Pinardi N., The Adriatic Sea modelling system: A nested approach, «ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE», 2003, 21, pp. 345 - 364 [Scientific article]
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Demirov E.; Pinardi N., Simulation of the Mediterranean Sea circulation from 1979 to 1993: Part I. The interannual variability, «JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS», 2002, 33-34, pp. 23 - 50 [Scientific article]
Brankart J.-M.; Pinardi N., Abrupt cooling of the mediterranean levantine intermediate water at the beginning of the 1980s: Observational evidence and model simulations, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY», 2001, 31, pp. 2307 - 2320 [Scientific article]
Castellari S.; Pinardi N.; Leaman K., A model study of air-sea interactions in the Mediterranean Sea, «JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS», 1998, 18, pp. 89 - 114 [Scientific article]
Masina S.; Pinardi N., Mesoscale data assimilation studies in the Middle Adriatic Sea, «CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH», 1994, 14, pp. 1293 - 1310 [Scientific article]
Nittis K.; Pinardi N.; Lascaratos A., Characteristics of the summer 1987 flow field in the Ionian Sea, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH», 1993, 98, pp. 10 - 184 [Scientific article]
Robinson A.R.; Malanotte-Rizzoli P.; Hecht A.; Michelato A.; Roether W.; Theocharis A.; Unluata U.; Pinardi N.; Artegiani A.; Bergamasco A.; Bishop J.; Brenner S.; Christianidis S.; Gacic M.; Georgopoulos D.; Golnaraghi M.; Hausmann M.; Junghaus H.-G.; Lascaratos A.; Latif M.A.; Leslie W.G.; Lozano C.J.; Oguz T.; Ozsoy E.; Papageorgiou E.; Paschini E.; Rozentroub Z.; Sansone E.; Scarazzato P.; Schlitzer R.; Spezie G.-C.; Tziperman E.; Zodiatis G.; Athanassiadou L.; Gerges M.; Osman M., General circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean, «EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS», 1992, 32, pp. 285 - 309 [Scientific article]