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Nadia Govoni

Assistant professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-01/B Veterinary Physiology


Graziosi, Maria Vittoria; Luise, Diana; Amarie, Roxana Elena; Correa, Federico; Elmi, Alberto; Virdis, Sara; Negrini, Clara; Palumbo, Francesco; Biagi, Giacomo; Bacci, Maria Laura; Govoni, Nadia; Serra, Andrea; Trevisi, Paolo, A growing-finishing diet formulated to reduce the soybean meal does not compromise the growth performance, health, behaviour and gut health of Italian heavy pigs, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2024, 23, pp. 1507 - 1523 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vannetti N.I., Elmi A., Nannoni E., Martelli G., Govoni N., Scozzoli M., Sardi L., Ventrella D., Bacci M.L.,, Benessere e performance di allevamento di suini in accrescimento esposti a nebulizzazione ambientale di Olio essenziale di lavandula angustifolia, in: Società Italiana di Fitoterapia, Piante Medicinali - Scienza nella tradizione, 2024, 23, pp. 49 - 49 (atti di: XXXII Congresso nazionale di fitoterapia, Parma, 12-14 aprile 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

S. Belperio, G. Martelli, M. Meneguz, E. Nannoni, D. Ventrella, N. I. Vannetti, N. Govoni, L. Sardi, Can black soldier fly live larvae improve postweaned piglets' welfare?, in: EAAP, Book of Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Rome, EAAP, 2024, Book of Abstracts No. 34, pp. 487 - 487 (atti di: 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Florence, 1-5 September 2024) [Poster]

Alberto Elmi, Federico Correa, Domenico Ventrella, Maurizio Scozzoli, Niccolò Ian Vannetti, Nadia Govoni, Eleonora Truzzi, Simona Belperio, Paolo Trevisi, Maria Laura Bacci, Eleonora Nannoni, Can environmental nebulization of lavender essential oil (L. angustifolia) improve welfare and modulate nasal microbiota of growing pigs?, «RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2024, 171, Article number: 105251 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elmi, A.; Vannetti, N. I.; Galligioni, V.; Govoni, N.; Aniballi, C.; Sánchez-Morgado, J. M.; Bacci, M. L.; Ventrella, D., Comparison of hair steroid levels among Wistar rats exposed to different environmental enrichment settings, «VETERINARY WORLD», 2024, 17, pp. 2731 - 2735 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elmi A.; Casalini A.; Bertocchi M.; Emmanuele P.; Aniballi C.; Parmeggiani A.; Govoni N.; Ventrella D.; Mordenti O.; Bacci M.L., Comparative evaluation of the effects of different activating media and temperatures on European eel (Anguilla anguilla) sperm motility assessed by computer assisted sperm analysis, «RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2023, 164, Article number: 105045 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access

Alberto Elmi, Eleonora Nannoni, Domenico Ventrella, Giovanna Martelli, Nadia Govoni, Niccolò Ian Vannetti, Maurizio Scozzoli, Luca Sardi, Maria Laura Bacci, Environmental nebulization of lavender essential oil (L. angustifolia): welfare assessment in growing pigs, in: Atti del 76° Convegno SISVet, 2023, pp. 372 - 372 (atti di: 76° Convegno SISVet -Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie-, Bari, Italy, 21-23 June 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Aniballi, C; Elmi, A; Govoni, N; Bulla, T; Canelli, E; Casalini, A; Bacci, ML; Ventrella, D, Influence of age and seasonality on boar seminal plasma steroids quantification: A preliminary study, «VETERINARY WORLD», 2023, 16, pp. 2150 - 2157 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elmi Alberto, Casalini A., Ventrella D., Govoni N., Emmanuele P., Parmeggiani A., Mordenti O., Bacci Maria Laura, BLOOD AND MILT ANDROGENIC PROFILES OF EUROPEAN EEL (Anguilla Anguilla) AND CORRELATION WITH SEMINAL MORPHO-FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS, in: Aquaculture Europe 2022 Abstract, 2022(atti di: Aquaculture Europe 2022, Rimini (Italy), 27- 30/09/2022) [Poster]

Alberto Elmi , Bertocchi Martina, Casalini Antonio, Ventrella Domenico, Emmanuele Pietro, Aniballi Camilla, Nadia Govoni, Parmeggiani Albamaria, Mordenti Oliviero, Bacci Maria Laura, Effects of temperature and different activating media on the motility of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) spermatozoa Reproduction in fish, in: 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, 2022(atti di: 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction Bologna (ITALY),, Bologna, 26th-30th June 2022) [Poster]

Aniballi C.; Elmi A.; Bertocchi M.; Parmeggiani A.; Govoni N.; Scozzoli M.; Ventrella D.; Bacci M.L., Effects of Gill Fish® on growth and welfare indices of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during early life stages, «AQUACULTURE», 2021, 533, Article number: 736158 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elmi A.; Govoni N.; Zannoni A.; Bertocchi M.; Bernardini C.; Forni M.; Ventrella D.; Bacci M.L., Testicular melatonin and its pathway in roe deer bucks (Capreolus capreolus) during pre-and post-rut periods: Correlation with testicular involution, «ANIMALS», 2021, 11, Article number: 1874 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ventrella, Domenico; Elmi, Alberto; Bertocchi, Martina; Aniballi, Camilla; Parmeggiani, Albamaria; Govoni, Nadia; Bacci, Maria Laura, Progesterone and Cortisol Levels in Blood and Hair of Wild Pregnant Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus) Hinds, «ANIMALS», 2020, 10, pp. 143 - 150 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elmi A.; Galligioni V.; Govoni N.; Bertocchi M.; Aniballi C.; Bacci M.L.; Sanchez-Morgado J.M.; Ventrella D., Quantification of hair corticosterone, DHEA and testosterone as a potential tool for welfare assessment in male laboratory mice, «ANIMALS», 2020, 10, Article number: 2408 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elmi A.; Zannoni A.; Govoni N.; Bertocchi M.; Forni M.; Ventrella D.; Bacci M.L., Uncovering the physiological mechanisms underlying the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) testicular cycle: Analyses of gelatinases and VEGF patterns and correlation with testes weight and testosterone, «ANIMALS», 2020, 10, Article number: 444 , pp. 444 - 457 [Scientific article]Open Access

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