Foto del docente

Nadia Burani

Associate Professor

Department of Economics


Burani N., No mission? No motivation. On hospitals' organizational form and charity care provision, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2021, 30, pp. 3203 - 3219 [Scientific article]Open Access

Burani N.; Mantovani A., Non-linear pricing and conscious consumption, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION», 2020, 68, Article number: 102549 , pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]Open Access

Barigozzi, Francesca; Burani, Nadia, Competition for Talent when Firms' Mission Matters, «GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR», 2019, 116, pp. 128 - 151 [Scientific article]Open Access

Francesca Barigozzi, Nadia Burani, Davide raggi, Productivity Crowding-out in Labor Markets with Motivated Workers, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2018, 151, pp. 199 - 218 [Scientific article]Open Access

Barigozzi, Francesca; Burani Nadia, Competition and screening with motivated health professionals, «JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2016, 50, pp. 358 - 371 [Scientific article]Open Access

Francesca Barigozzi; Nadia Burani, Screening Workers for Ability and Motivation, «OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS», 2016, 68, Article number: gpw005 , pp. 627 - 650 [Scientific article]Open Access

Burani, Nadia; Palestini, Arsen, What determines volunteer work? On the effects of adverse selection and intrinsic motivation, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2016, 144, pp. 29 - 32 [Scientific article]Open Access

N. Burani; C. Ponsati, Countervailning Power? Collusion in Markets with Decentralized Trade, «REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DESIGN», 2011, 15, pp. 91 - 120 [Scientific article]

N. Burani, Matching, search and intermediation with two-sided heterogeneity, «REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DESIGN», 2008, 12, pp. 75 - 117 [Scientific article]

Burani N.; Zwicker W.S., Coalition formation games with separable preferences, «MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES», 2003, 45, pp. 27 - 52 [Scientific article]