Michele Zannoni (Male) is Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture of the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, where he is a member of the Advanced Design Unit. His publications include articles in SCIRES-IT journal and Material Design Journal. He is the author of the book Progetto e Interazione (Quodlibet, 2018), which explore the intersection of interaction processes and visual and product design. His scientific research is concerned about digital and physical products and interaction design.
From the year 2000, he taught at the IUAV of Venice, the Polytechnic of Milan and the University of the Republic of San Marino where he was the director of the master's degree in Design.
Since 1997 he has worked as interaction and visual designer in several design agencies: at Studio Altermedia, at Studio Visuale form 2008 and at last in BDS Design from 2014. In these companies he has worked on national and international projects, winning international awards in the fields of multimedia and interface design and in particular, he has collaborated since 2009 with the Technogym design center, and has designed many of the company's user interfaces. Zannoni's important works designed during his designer activity are: “SAMP Sistemi User Interface”, 2018, Samp Group; “AULOS Framework User Interface”, 2016 Loccioni group; “Silkboard Realtime video projection exhibition” Museo della Filanda Romanin - Jacur, 2016, Comune di Salzano; “P-Cube. User Interface per un software gestionale di sistemi di business intelligence”, 2015, FabricaLAB; "Technogym Unity“, Graphic User Interface 2012 Technogym; L'archivio Immagine del Veneto", WebSite 2008 Regione del Veneto; “Bruno Munari, Una lezione di Design", Dvd-video 2006 Iuav-Unirsm; “Carlo Scarpa: l'archivio digitale, la banca dati dei disegni di Castelvecchio", Web Site, 2004 Comune di Verona; “Andrea Palladio Itinerari Palladiani Vicenza", CDrom, Istituto regionale per le Ville Venete, 2002; “Andrea Palladio Atlante delle Architetture", CDrom, Marsilio Editori, Venice 2002; “Carlo Scarpa Tomba Brion. Il rilievo 1998-2000", CDrom in “Casabella" Magazine, 678, May 2000; “Otto architetture italiane del dopoguerra", published by Maggioli in 1999.