Foto del docente

Michele Mulazzani

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-02/B Geometry

Curriculum vitae

Graduated (cum laude) in Civil Engineer in 1984 at the University of Bologna. Graduated (cum laude) in Mathematics in 1987 at the University of Bologna. Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1994 at the
University of Bologna, with a dissertation in Geometric Toplogy.
Resercher of Geometry from 1995 to 2001, Associate Professor of Geometry from 2001 to 2006 and Full Professor of Geometry since 2006, at the University of Bologna. He attended several national and international Congresses and Workshops,giving in many of them talks on his research results.
Collaborator of the Journals ``Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihrer
Grenzgebiete'' and ``Methematical Review'' as a reviewer.