Foto del docente

Michele Monaci

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: MATH-06/A Operations Research

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Biomedical, Electrical and System Engineering

Curriculum vitae


Full Professor of Operations Research at the University of Bologna.



2016-2019: Associate Professor at the University of Bologna.

2005-2016: Assistant Professor at the University of Padova.

2002-2004: Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems, University of Bologna.

1999-2001: Ph.D. course in System Engineering at the University of Bologna.

1998: Ms Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Bologna (cum laude).


He is member of the editorial board of Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP) and A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research (4OR).

He has been Co supervisor of the PhD Thesis of Enrico Pietrobuoni (Univ. Bologna)

He won the “Best ITS Application Paper” at the 2nd International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (Leuven, Belgium, June 22-24, 2011) (with G. Andreatta, L. Capanna, L. De Giovanni, and L. Righi).

He won the “11th DIMACS Implementation Challenge” for the best computer codes for Steiner Tree problems (codes mozartballs, mozartduet and staynerd developed jointly with M. Fischetti, M. Leitner, I. Ljubi ́c, M. Luipersbeck, M. Resch, D. Salvagnin, and M. Sinnl), 2014.

He won the COAP 2016 Best Paper Prize assigned by the Editorial Board of Combinatorial Optimization and Applications to the best paper published in 2016 (with P. Belotti, P. Bonami, M. Fischetti, A. Lodi, A.Nogales-Gómez, and D. Salvagnin).

He has been finalist for the “EURO Excellence in Practice Award 2018” at the EURO 2018 conference with paper “The OR revolution in Vattenfall BA Wind” (with M. Fischetti, J.R. Kristoffersen, and D. Pisinger).

He has been finalist for the “2019 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award” at the INFORMS 2019 Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research with paper “Vattenfall Gets Hundreds of Millions in Gains Through the Application of Operations Research for Offshore Wind Farm Design” (with M. Fischetti, J.R. Kristoffersen, T. Hjort, and D. Pisinger).


  • 16-th ESICUP workshop: “Knapsack problem and variants” (Mexico-City, Mexico, April 2019).
  • XXI-thAussois Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization: “Reformulation Heuristics for Generalized Interdiction Problems” (Aussois, France, January 2017).
  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro “Guillotine Constraints in Two-Dimensional Cutting and Packing” (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, August 2015).
  • Zuse Institute Berlin “Two-Dimensional Cutting with Guillotine Constraints” (Berlin, Germany, April 2015).
  • Federal University of Vicosa “MIP heuristics” (Vicosa, MG, Brasil, September 2014).
  • 2014 Mixed Integer Programming Workshop (MIP 2014): “Proximity Search” (Columbus, OH, USA, July 2014).
  • Federal University of Vicosa “2-Dimensional Packing Problems and Applications in Telecommunications” (Vicosa, MG, Brasil, May 2014).
  • XVII-th Aussois Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization: “Optimality-based Domain Reductions for Global Optimization” (Aussois, France, January 2013).
  • XVI-th Aussois Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization: “Three ideas for the Quadratic Assignment Problem” (Aussois, France, January 2012).
  • The 15th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO 2011): “Backdoor Branching” (New York, NY, USA, June 2011).
  • University of Graz: “2-Dimensional Packing in Wireless Telecommunications” (Graz, Austria, April 2011).
  • 2010 Mixed Integer Programming Workshop (MIP 2010): “Branching on Nonchimerical Fractionalities” (Atlanta, GA, USA, July 2010).
  • University of Firenze: “2-Dimensional packing: problems and applications” (Firenze, Italy, October 2008).
  • VIII-th Aussois Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization: “A Set-Covering Based Heuristic Approach for Bin-Packing Problems” (Aussois, France, March 2003).