Foto del docente

Michele Mancinelli

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Academic discipline: CHEM-05/A Organic Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.doc 232KB )

06/05/2019-05/05/2022 RTD-B - Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” - Rimini

01/05/2009 – 30/04/2019 --> Post-Doctoral Research Placement

Supervisor --> Prof. Andrea Mazzanti

University of Bologna – Viale del Risorgimento 4 – Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”

Design and synthesis of new atropisomeric chiral molecules and determination of their absolute configuration; these molecules are studied by means of: 1) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at variable temperature; 2) mono (DEPT, NOE) and bidimensional (COSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY, DPFGSE-NOE) NMR; 3) kinetic NMR experiments (EXSY e 1-D saturation transfer); 4) Electronic and Vibrational Circular Dichroism; 5) X-ray diffractometry; 6) Conformational studies with computational DFT and TD-DFT calculations.

04/03/2013 – 23/06/2013 --> Post Doc abroad in Biotools, Florida

President Rina K. Dukor, Jupiter, Florida, America

Company: BioTools

Work and Study based on Vibrational Circular Dichroism

01/01/2006-31/12/2008 --> Ph.D. Student

Achieved 27/04/2009

University of Bologna, Organic Chemistry “A. Mangini”, Chemical Sciences XXI cycle, chim/06

  • Dynamic NMR
  • Conformational and Stereodinamic of Hindered Aromatic Systems
  • Supervisor --> Prof. Lodovico Lunazzi
  •  Assistant Supervisor --> Dr. Andrea Mazzanti

03/03/2008-18/07/2008 --> Ph.D. Student abroad in Manchester

University of Manchester, faculty of Organic Chemistry

  • Carbamate’s rearrangement
  • Supervisor --> Prof. Jonathan Clayden

Attendance Postgraduate School:

12/09/2010-16/09/2010 --> XXXIII National Symposium of Organic Chemistry of SCI (CODiCO 2010), San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). Proceeding and Flash Presentation entitled: Dual axis of Chirality in anthrones and anthraquinones bis-substituted

20/10/2008-22/10/2008 --> VIII Sigma-Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium (SAYCS), Pesaro. Proceeding entitled: Steric and π Barrier in aryl system: the case of bi-phenylens.

11/01/2007-18/01/2007 --> Winter School Physical Organic Chemistry WISPOC 2006, Bressanone

19/06/2006-23/06/2006 --> XXXI Summer Course ‘A.Corbella’, Seminar of Organic chemistry, Gargnano of Garda

Degree Achieved 26/10/2005 Vote 110/110 cum laude

  • Studies University of Camerino
  • Science and Technology
  • Chemistry and Avanced Methodology Chemistry (Class 26/S)
  • Synthesis and Molecular Reactivity
  • “Nuove Metodologie a Basso Impatto Ambientale nella Formazione di Legami Carbonio-Carbonio Promossa dal Sistema CeCl3 7H2O/NaI”
  • Experimental thesis, 12 months lengh with a 4 months of experience abroad
  • Supervisor --> Prof. Enrico Marcantoni

01/03/2005-31/06/2005  --> Thesis experience abroad

  • Spain
  • University of Sevilla
  • Organic Chemistry
  • “Allilazione Poliidrossifurano Promossa dal Sistema CeCl3 7H2O/NaI”
  • Supervisor --> Prof. José G. Fernández-Bolaños

Bachelor Degree 22/10/2003 Vote 110/110 cum laude

  • Studies University of Camerino
  • Science and Technology
  • Chemistry (Class 21)
  • Supervisor --> Prof. Enrico Marcantoni


Secondary School / High School --> Achivied 2000 Vote 95/100

  • ITIS - Istitute Technical Industrial State
  • Chemistry

European Union Program Project Leonardo 11/09/2000-01/10/2000

  • Germany

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