Foto del docente

Michele Lombardi

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems

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Curriculum Vitae

Michele Lombardi is a post-doctoral fellow at DISI, University of Bologna. He is working on Combinatorial Optimization by integrating heterogeous techniques and on hybrid off-line/on-line optimization. His expertise is on Constraint Programming, Integer Linear Programming and Machine Learning, with main applications on resource allocation and scheduling problems for embedded systems.

Michele has a PhD in Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, obtained at University of Bologna, with topic "Hybrid methods for resource allocation and scheduling problems in deterministic and stochastic environment". He received the AI*IA "Marco Cadoli" PhD award in 2010, and honorable mentions at the CP 2011 and ICAPS 2012 PhD awards.

He contributed to the FP7 projects "ePolicy", "Therminator" and "Predator", to the FP7 ERC "Multitherman", to the JTI ARTEMIS "SMECY" and to the Google Focused Grant “Model Learning in Combinatorial Optimization: a Case Study on Thermal Aware Dispatching”.

He has been a visiting researcher at the LSI laboratory of EPFL and at the IISI institute of Cornell University. In 2013, he will be visiting professor at the Belgian Constraints Group of Université Catholique de Louvain.

He has been a reviewer for international journals (including IEEE Trans. on Computers, European Journal of Operations Research, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics), Program Committee member for international conferences (IJCAI 2011 e 2013, AAAI 2014, ICAPS 2012, 2013 and 2014, CP 2012 e 2013, CPAIOR 2011 e 2012), co-chair of the doctoral program at CP 2012 and AI*IA 2012, chair of the COESD workshop at CPAIOR 2013.

He has performed invited presentations at ISMP 2012, the 3rd GAMS conference (India), INFORMS 2008 and at the SOMRES workshop within RTSS 2011. He has been invited lecturer at the 2012 ACP Summer School, at the CPAIOR 2012 master class and for the PhD Course on Combinatorial Optimization at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa). 

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