Research fellow since 2023, she has been mainly involved in the study of the physiology of fruit trees in response to environmental stresses, particularly water stress.
Graduated with a degree in International Horticultural Science in 2018, she received her Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology in 2023.
Teaching Activities
Teaching tutor of the "OFA Science" course for students enrolled in Bachelor's degree programs related to the Department of Agricultural and Food Science and Technology (DISTAL).
Scientific activities
Participation within the DREAM project (PRIMA Section II) and FruitCREWS (Cost Action).
Referee of international and Italian journals in the field of fruit crop physiology.
Membership in scientific and editorial committees
Assistant Editor of the Italus Hortus cherry special issue, review 37, volume 1-2, 2019
Assistant Editor of the proceedings of the ICS conference - International Cherry Symposium (ACTA ITALUS HORTUS no.24)
Honors and Awards
2022 - Winner of the Miklos Faust International Travel Grant announced by the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS).
2019 - Winner of the first prize for best master's thesis, sponsored by the Italian Federation of Doctors in Agriculture and Forestry