1972: Degree in Medicine and Surgery, cum laude at Bologna
1976: Board certified in Gastroenterology, com laude at Bologna
1978: Board certified in Internal medicine, com laude at Bologna
Academic career:
1974: Locum Assistant Professor in Human Anatomy, University of
1974-1978: Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine,
University of Chieti
1975: Research fellow, Liver Research Unit, King's College
Hospital, University of London.
1978-1983: Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine, University
of Bologna.
1983-1991: Associate Professor in Medical Pathophysiology,
University of Bologna.
1884: Visiting Professor, Technion, Haifa (Israel).
1991-1995: Associate Professor in Medical Semeiology and
Clinical Methodology, University of Bologna.
1995 - : Full Professor in Internal Medicine at Bologna
Academic duties at Bologna University:
1988-1998: Director, Centre for the Study of Sodium and Water
Abnormalities in Digestive Disease
1990-1999: Director, Postgraduate School in Sport Medicine.
1994-2000: Member, Commission for fund assignment, RFO, Commitee
1995-: Director, "G. Fontana" Centre for the Study of
Inadequate Use of Alcohol.
1995-1996: Director, Institute of Patologia Speciale
1996-1998: Secretary, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
1997-00: President, Teaching Commission, Faculty of Medicine and
2000-2002: Member, Evaluation Committee
2000-2006 : Director, Department of Internal Medicine,
Cardioangiology, Hepatology.
2008-2010: Member, Research Observatory.
2008-2013: Member, Governing Board, High School for Health
2010-2013: Chairman, Research Observatory
2013-: Director, Postgraduate School in Internal Medicine
2016- : President, Bioetics Committee
Present teaching activity at Bologna University:
- Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
- Internal Medicine, Postgraduate Schools of: Internal Medicine,
Geriatrics, Gastroenterology, Sport medicine, Infectious Diseases,
Nutritional Sciences.
Clinical career:
1974-1978: Registrar, Institute of Patologia Speciale Medica,
University of Chieti.
1978-1982: Registrar, Institute of Clinica Medica e
Gastroenterologia, University of Bologna.
1983-1997: Senior registrar, Institute of Clinica Medica e
Gastroenterologia (1983-1096) and Patologia Speciale Medica
(1986-1997), University of Bologna.
1987-1997: Head, Day-hospital, Institute Patologia Speciale
Medica, University of Bologna.
1992-1997: Head, Liver Failure unit, Institute Patologia
Speciale Medica, University of Bologna.
1994-1994: Head, Unit of Patologia Speciale Medica, University
of Bologna.
1997 - : Director, Semeiotica Medica, Policlinico S.
Orsola-Malpighi, University of Bologna.
Duties in Scientific Societies and Editorial
1978-1981: Member of the Scientific Committee of Italian
Association for the Study of the Liver.
1990-1993: Member of the Scientific Committee of European
Association for the Study of the Liver.
2003- : Distinguished member of executive Committee of
2008- : Treasurer of the European Association for the
Study of the Liver.
2009-: Vice-chairman, European Consortium for the Study of
Chronic Liver Failure
- Member of the Editorial Board of:
Journal of
Hepatology (1995-1999)
Hepatology Review (1997-)
Alcologia (1993-)
Hepato-gastroenterology (2000-)
Digest Liver Dis (2001 - 2004; 2008 -
World Journal of Gastroenterology (2005 -)
(2010 -)
World Journal Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2010 - )
European Medical journal (2013 - )
Awards and honours
2007. Malpighi d’Oro, Lions Club.
2015. Distinguished Service Award, Italian Association for the Study of the Liver
Scientific Activitiy:
- Main research fields:
hepatology (cirrhosis and related complications, hepatocellular
carcinoma, chronic viral hepatitis, liver transplantation)
gastroenterology (malabsorption syndromes)
alcology (clinical aspects and treatment of alcolism)
cellular biology (pathophysiology and prevention of
ischemia-reperfusion damage).
- Full papers and letters-to-the-Editor (n. 804), which have been published in:
1. Peer reviewed international journals quoted by JCR*: 406
2. Peer reviewed international journals: 26
3. Italian journals: 93
4. Proceedings of international congresses: 94
5. Proceedings of Italian congresses: 103
6. Book chapters: 82
* total impact factor: 2,869.37 (JCR 2014)
Mean impact factor: 7.06
Total citations: 21,286 (March 2016)
H-index: 71 (March 2016)
Address and contacts:
Semeiotica Medica – Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi – Via
Albertoni, 15 – 40138 Bologna, Italy
Tel: + 39 051 391549 - +39 051 6362931
Fax: + 39 051 6362930