Maurizio Codispoti, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna
Viale Berti Pichat 5
40127 Bologna
Research Interests
My research interests concern emotion, learning, and perception. I am particularly interested in the interplay of emotion and cognition. In our lab, we investigate the mechanisms by which emotion and learning affect distractor processing and attentional capture. My recent studies have focused on intrinsic (stimulus-driven), goal driven (top-down) and extrinsic (context-driven) factors affecting emotional engagement during processing of natural scenes, including: 1) stimulus repetition; 2) exposure duration; 3) stimulus size-spatial frequencies; 4) stimulus content; 5) individual differences. My work utilizes a range of physiological measures (i.e., event-related brain potentials, Oscillatory brain activity, startle reflex, pupillometry, cardiac activity, and skin conductance) to understand emotion, cognition, and their interaction.
Academic Positions:
2012- Present Full Professor, University of Bologna, Italy
2002- 2012 Associate Professor, University of Bologna, Italy
2000-2002 Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Italy
1991 Degree in Psychology (Laurea), University of Padova (five years degree), Italy,
1997 Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, University of Bologna (four years program), Italy.
1998 Postdoctoral Fellow (USA), "Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention" National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, University of Florida. Supervisors: Margaret M. Bradley and Peter J. Lang
Editorial Responsibilities
Associate Editor, Psychophysiology (2010-2015)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology -Emotion science (2016-)
Ad Hoc reviewer:
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Current Biology, Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, Psychophysiology, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Neuroimage, European Journal of Neuroscience, Biological Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Emotion, Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, Brain Research, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Cognition and Emotion, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Expert reviewer for the MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research). Expert reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
Bibliometric Indexes
I have authored or co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications, many of which have appeared in high-quality journals in the field of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience (including: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychophysiology; Journal of Neuroscience; Emotion). 20 publications with over 100 citations each, and 2 with over 1000 citations each (Google Scholar).
H index (Scopus) =32
H index (Google Scholar) =40
Total Citations (Scopus) =5900
Total Citations (Google Scholar) =10818
Scopus Author Identifier: 6701542791
Membership in Societies
Psychonomic Society, Fellow
Society for Psychophysiological Research
Society for Neuroscience
2010-Grant from the Department of Psychology, University of Bologna
Title of the project: Between global perception and local analysis: the role of spatial frequencies in the emotional response. Amount funded: 37.812 euro
2012-Grant from the FARB Program, University of Bologna
Title of the project: The ecological study of the emotional response through wireless biosignals. Prot. FFBO120705. Amount funded: 25.000 euro
2013-Grant from the Department of Psychology, University of Bologna
Title of the project: Altering spatial priority maps via reward-based learning: A combined behavioral and ERP approach. Amount funded: 15.000 euro
2019-Grant from the Department of Psychology, University of Bologna
Title of the project: Emotional distractor filtering: alpha oscillations and behavioral interference. Amount funded: 25.000 euro
2020-Grant from the Bial Foundation
Title of the project: Emotional Distraction: contextual modulation of attentional capture. Amount funded: 30.000 euro
• Emotions and Cognitive Processes (Second cycle degree program (LM) in Applied Cognitive Psychology, University of Bologna) in the following academic years: from 2017/2018 to 2019/2020.
• General Psychology (Single cycle degree program (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna) in the following academic years: from 2001/2002 to 2016/2017.
• General Psychology (First cycle degree program in Neurophysiopathology techniques, University of Bologna) in the following academic years: from 2006/2007 to 2019/2020.
• Experimental Psychology (Second cycle degree program (LM) in Statistics, Economics and Business, University of Bologna) in the following academic years: from 2003/2004 to 2019/2020.
• General Psychology (First cycle degree program in Techniques in the Biomedical Laboratory, University of Bologna) in the following academic years: from 2003/2004 to 2019/2020.
• General Psychology (First cycle degree program in Professional education, University of Bologna) in the following academic years: from 2003/2004 to 2016/2017.
Selected publications
Codispoti, M., De Cesarei, A., & Ferrari, V. (2023). Alpha-band oscillations and emotion: A review of studies on picture perception. Psychophysiology, e14438
Cavicchi, S., De Cesarei, A., Valsecchi, M., & Codispoti, M. (2023). Visual-cortical enhancement by acoustic distractors: The effects of endogenous spatial attention and visual working memory load. Biological psychology, 177, 108512.
Ferrari, V., Canturi, F., & Codispoti, M. (2022). Stimulus novelty and emotionality interact in the processing of visual distractors. Biological psychology, 167, 108238.
Codispoti, M. Micucci, A., & De Cesarei, A. (2021). Time will tell: object categorization and emotional engagement during processing of degraded natural scenes, Psychophysiology
Ferrari, V., Mastria, S., & Codispoti, M. (2020). The interplay between Attention and Long-Term Memory in Affective Habituation, Psychophysiology
Micucci, M. Ferrari, V., De Cesarei, A., & Codispoti, M. (2020). Contextual Modulation of Emotional Distraction: Attentional Capture and Motivational Significance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
De Cesarei A., Cavicchi S., Micucci A., Codispoti M. (2019). Categorization Goals Modulate the Use of Natural Scene Statistics. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Ferrari,V., Bruno, N., Chattat, R., & Codispoti, M. (2017). Evaluative ratings and attention across the life span: emotional arousal and gender. Cognition and Emotion, 31(3):552-563.
Codispoti, M., De Cesarei, A., Biondi, S., & Ferrari, V. (2016). The fate of unattended stimuli and emotional habituation: Behavioral interference and cortical changes. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(6), 1063-1073.
Ferrari, V., De Cesarei, A., Mastria, S., Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Nicoletti, R., Codispoti, M. (2016). Novelty and emotion: pupillary and cortical responses during viewing of natural scenes. Biological Psychology, 113: 75-82.
Codispoti M.,De Cesarei A.,& Ferrari V. (2012). The influence of color on emotional perception of natural scenes. Psychophysiology. 49, 11-16.
De Cesarei, A., Codispoti, M. (2011). Scene identification and emotional response: which spatial frequencies are critical? Journal of Neuroscience, 31:
Ferrari V., Bradley M.M., Codispoti M., Lang P.J. (2010). Detecting novelty and significance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 404-411.
Codispoti, M., Mazzetti, M., & Bradley, M. M. (2009). Unmasking emotion: Exposure duration and emotional engagement. Psychophysiology, 46, 731-738.
Ferrari V., Codispoti M., Cardinale R., Bradley M.M. (2008). Directed and Motivated Attention during Processing of Natural Scenes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 1753-1761.
Codispoti M., Ferrari V., Bradley MM. (2007). Repetition and ERPs: Distinguishing early and late processes in affective picture perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19, 577-586.
Codispoti, M., & De Cesarei, A. (2007). Arousal and Attention: Picture Size and Emotional Reactions. Psychophysiology, 44, 680-686.
Codispoti, M., Ferrari, V., Junghöfer, M. & Schupp, H. T. (2006). The categorization of natural scenes: Brain attention networks revealed by dense sensor ERPs. Neuroimage, 32, 583-591.
Codispoti, M., Gerra, G., Montebarocci, O., Zaimovic, A., Raggi, M.A., Baldaro, B. (2003). Emotional perception and neuroendocrine changes. Psychophysiology, 40 (6), 863-868.
Bradley, M.M., Codispoti, M., Cuthbert, B.N., Lang, P.J. (2001). Emotion and motivation I: Defensive and appetitive reactions in picture processing. Emotion, 1, 276-298.
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