Foto del docente

Mattia Melosso

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Curriculum vitae

Bachelor (2014), MSc (2016), and PhD Degree (2020) in Chemistry at the University of Bologna.
Post-doc fellow at University of Bologna (between November 2019 and October 2021) and at Scuola Superiore Meridionale of Naples (Nov 2021 - Feb 2023).
As of March 1st 2023, Mattia is Junior assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician".

- "Kirkbright Bursary Award" 2021, award to a promising early career scientist
- "Spada Prize" 2020, for the best PhD thesis in the field of Physical Chemistry
- "UVa prize" 2018, for the best oral presentation given by a young researcher during the 25th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
- "Young Physico-Chemist Award" 2017, for the best oral presentation given by a young researcher during the XXVI Congresso nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana

Periods abroad
- Visiting PhD student: SOLEIL Synchrotron, Saint-Aubin, France (28 January - 1 February 2019) at AILES beamline.
- Visiting PhD student: Laborastrophysik, Institute für Physik, Kassel, Germania (4 June - 30 November 2018), Prof. Thomas Giesen's group.
- Visiting PhD student: Center for Astrochemical Studies, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching bei Munchen, Germany (19-23 February, 2018), Prof. Paola Caselli's group.

- Principal Investigator of the project "Far Infrared Spectroscopy of the CCCN Radical" (proposal no. 20210378) at SOLEIL synchrotron, AILES-A beamline. Period: 6-12 December 2021.
- Principal Investigator of the project "High resolution far-infrared spectrum of aminoacetonitrile NH2CH2CN" (proposal no. 20191573) at SOLEIL synchrotron, AILES-A beamline. Period: 1-8 June 2020.
- Principal Investigator of the project "Hyperfine effects in vibrational transitions of the water molecule: H2O(17)" (proposal LLAMS002654) at Laserlab-Europe, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Period: 1-6 March 2020.
- Principal Investigator of the project "High-Resolution Far-Infrared Spectrum of Amidogen Radical 15NHD" (proposal no. 20190128) at SOLEIL synchrotron, AILES-A beamline. Period: 25-30 November 2019.

Laboratory astrophysics: tracking the evolution of cosmic matter towards molecular complexity, Les Houches (France), 05-10 February 2023
Physical Sensing and Processing Summer School, Bologna (Italy), 03-10 July 2019.

From the 2017 to date, Mattia has attended more than 10 national and internation conferences, either as invited speaker or with contributed oral/poster presentations. Moreover, he co-organized the Winter Modeling 2022 Meeting at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (14-15 February 2022).

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