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Matteo Martelli

Full Professor

Department of Philosophy


Matteo Martelli, Sébastien Moureau, Jennifer Rampling, Theory and Concepts: The Shared Heritage of Byzantine, Arabo-Muslim, and Latin Alchemy, in: A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Middle Ages, London, Bloomsbury, 2021, pp. 19 - 34 [Chapter or essay]

Matteo Martelli, A Syriac epitome of Galens' On simple drugs, books 9-11 : text and translation, «GALENOS», 2020, 14, pp. 131 - 158 [Scientific article]Open Access

Martelli, Matteo, Ancient handbooks and Graeco-Egyptian collections of alchemical recipes, «BJHS THEMES», 2020, 5, pp. 39 - 55 [Scientific article]Open Access

Matteo Martelli, Lucia Raggetti, Caroline Petit, Galen's Treatise On Simple Drugs: Interpretation and Transmission, Turhout, Brepols, 2020, pp. 332 . [Editorship]

Martelli, Matteo; Petit, Caroline; Raggetti, Lucia, Introduction - New Perspectives in Galen's Treatise On Simple Drugs and the History of Pharmacology, «ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES D'HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES», 2020, 70, pp. 6 - 15 [Scientific article]

Martelli, Matteo, Galen in the Late Antique, Byzantine, and Syro-Arabic Alchemical Traditions, in: Brill's Companion to the Reception of Galen, Leiden, Brill, 2019, pp. 577 - 593 (BRILL'S COMPANIONS TO CLASSICAL RECEPTION) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Matteo Martelli, L'alchimista antico. Dall'Egitto greco-romano a Bisanzio, Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2019, pp. 184 . [Research monograph]Open Access

Coordination of a Research Project: Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology: Galen's Treatise On simple Drugs.

Matteo Martelli, Byzantine Alchemy in Two Recently Discovered Manuscripts in Saint Stephen's (Meteora) and Olympiotissa (Elassona) Monasteries, in: Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, pp. 99 - 118 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Matteo Martelli, Vangelis Koutakis, Gerasimos Merianos, Graeco-Egyptian, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Alchemy: Introductory Remarks, in: Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity, Turhout, Brepols, 2018, pp. 11 - 43 [Chapter or essay]

Martelli Matteo, Zosime l'alchimiste, in: Richard Goulé, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques VII, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2018, pp. 447 - 450 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]

Martelli, Matteo, Alchemy, Medicine and Religion: Zosimus of Panopolis and the Egyptian Priests, «RELIGION IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE», 2017, 3, pp. 202 - 220 [Scientific article]

Martelli, Matteo, [Anonyme.] Responsiones Aros philosophi ad Nephes regem de philosophia malis et improbis occulta et sapientibus manifesta. Avec un fac-similé du manuscrit arabe Chester Beatty Ar. 4121. Texte édité et présenté par Sylvain Matton. Paris : SÉHA, 2017 (= « Anecdota », 11). XXII-151 pp, «KRITIKON LITTERARUM», 2017, 2017, pp. 196 - 207 [Scientific article]

Martelli, Matteo, Review of: Christopher Braun. Das Kitāb Sidrat al-muntahā des Pseudo-Ibn Waḥšīya: Einleitung, Edition und Übersetzung eines hermetisch-allegorischen Traktats zur Alchemie. (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, 327.) 160 pp., bibl., index. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2016. €39.80 (paper), «ISIS», 2017, 108, pp. 687 - 688 [Review]

Martelli, Matteo; Lehmhaus, Lennart, Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2017, pp. 334 . [Editorship]

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