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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
Authored books and edited volumes
- Pseudo-Democrito, Scritti alchemici, con il commentario di Sinesio. Edizione critica del testo greco, traduzione e commento, Paris-Milano: S.É.H.A.-Archè (‘Textes et Travaux de Chrysopoeia’ 12), 2011, xvi + 523 pp. (The book has been awarded the “Prize for Young Historians” (2013) by the Académie Internationale d’histoire des sciences)
- The Four Books of Pseudo Democritus, Wakefield (Series ‘Sources of Alchemy and Chemistry,’ Supplement of Ambix) 2014, viii + 306 pp.
- (edited with Lennart Lehmhaus) Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017)
- Syriac Medicine. Special issue of the Journal Aramaic Studies, 15.2 (2017), 154 pp.
- L'alchimista antico. Dall'Egitto greco-romano a Bisanzio. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2019, 184 pp.
(In preparation)
- Galen: On Simple Drugs, Book 9 (critical edition, introduction, translation and commentary)
Peer reviewed articles and book chapters
- Byzantine Alchemy in Two Recently Discovered Manuscripts in Saint Stephen’s (Meteora) and Olympiotissa (Elassona) Monasteries, in E. Nicolaidis (ed.), Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), pp. 99-118.
- Graeco-Egyptian, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Alchemy: Introductory Remarks (with V. Koutalis and G. Merianos), in E. Nicolaidis (ed.), Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), pp. 11-42.
- Essay-Review of [Anonyme], Responsiones Aros philosophi ad Nephes regem de philosophia malis et improbis occulta et sapientibus manifesta. Avec un fac-similié du manuscrit arabe Chester Betty Ar. 4121. Texte édité et présenté par Sylvain Matton (Paris : SÈHA, 2017), in ‘Kritikon Litterarum’ 44 (2017), pp. 196-207
- Syriac Medicine: Introduction, in 'Aramaic Studies' 15.2 (2017), pp. 125-131.
- Hippocrates in Two Syriac Alchemical Collections, in 'Aramaic Studies' 15.2 (2017), pp. 230-251.
- Introduction in L. Lehmhaus, M. Martelli (eds.), Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017), pp. 1-28 (with Lennart Lehmhaus)
- Recipes Ascribed to the Prophet Ezra in the Byzantine and Syriac Traditions, in L. Lehmhaus, M. Martelli (eds.), Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017), pp. 195-220
- Alchemy, Medicine and Religion: Zosimus of Panopolis and the Egyptian Priests, in ‘Religion in the Roman Empire’ 3 (2017), pp. 202-220
- Healing Tombs and Remains of Ancient Physicians and Natural Philosophers in the Greek and Arabic Traditions, in M. Beretta (ed.), Savant Relics (Sagamore Beach: Watson Publishing, 2016), pp. 43-66
- Stone by Stone: Building the Graeco-Arabic Edition of Galen’s On Simple Drugs, Book IX, in COMS Bulletin 2 (2016), pp. 48-58 (with Lucia Raggetti)
- Properties and Classification of Mercury between Natural Philosophy, Medicine, and Alchemy in ‘A.I.O.N’ 36 (2014; published in 2016), pp. 17-47
- Graeco-Egyptian and Byzantine Alchemy, in Georgia L. Irby (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Science, Medicine, Technology (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016), vol. 1, pp. 217-231
- Canons, Authorities and Medical Practice in the Greek Medical Encyclopaedias of Late Antiquity and in the Talmud, in E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, A. Traniger (eds.), Wissen in Bewegung. Institution – Iteration – Transfer, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2015, pp. 181-207 (with Ph. Van der Eijk, M. Geller, L. Lehmhaus, Ch. Salazar)
- L’assimilazione al dio attraverso le technai. Note sulla raffigurazione degli ‘scienziati’ antichi in età ellenistica ed imperiale, in M. Beretta, F. Citti, A. Iannucci (ed.), Il culto di Epicuro. Testi, iconografia e paesaggio (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2015), pp. 15-38
- Dissoluzioni, distillazioni e passaggi di stato nel Corpus degli alchimisti greci, in F. Citti, L. Pasetti, D. Pellacani, Metamorfosi tra scienza e letteratura (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2014), pp. 81-99
- Alchemical Textiles: Colourful Garments, Recipes and Dyeing Techniques in Graeco-Roman Egypt, in: M. Harlow, M.-L. Nosch (eds.), Greek and Roman Textiles and Dress. An Interdisciplinary Anthology (Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books 2014), pp. 111-129
- L’alchimie en syriaque et l’œuvre de Zosime, in É. Villey (ed.), Les sciences en Syriaque (Paris: Geuthner, 2014), pp. 191-214
- Near Eastern Origins of Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy, in M. Geller, K. Geus (eds.), Esoteric Knowledge in Antiquity (Berlin: MPIWG preprint, 2014), pp. 37-62 (with Maddalena Rumor)
- The Alchemical Art of Dyeing: The Fourfold Division of Alchemy and the Enochian Tradition, in S. Dupré (ed.), Laboratories of Art. Alchemy and Art Technology from Antiquity to the 18th Century (London & New York: Springer, 2014), pp. 1-22
- Galeno grammatico sui nomi stranieri ed il digamma: un passo inedito dal IX libro sui medicamenti semplici, in ‘A.I.O.N’ 34 (2012 ; published in 2014), pp. 131-146
- Per una nuova edizione commentata di un lessico alchemico bizantino, in Eikasmos 24 (2013), pp. 275-296 (with Stefano Valente)
- La tradizione artigianale e l’influenza orientale: lo Pseudo-Democrito alchimista, in F. Franco Repellini, G. Micheli (ed.), Atti del seminario sulla scienza antica e la sua tradizione, Gargnano maggio 2008 (Cisalpino: Milano, Quaderni di ACME, 2011), pp. 175-212
- Greek Alchemists at Work: Alchemical Laboratory in the Greco-Roman Egypt, ‘Nuncius’ 26 (2011), pp. 271-311
- Medicina ed Alchimia. Estratti galenici nel Corpus degli scritti alchemici siriaci di Zosimo, ‘Galenos’ 4 (2010), pp. 207-228
- Una storia dell’alchimia nei testi alchemici greci: il cosiddetto Filosofo Anonimo (CAAG, vol. II, pp. 424, l. 6 – 425, l. 9), in C. Pogliano, M. Frank (ed.), Scorci di Storia della Scienza (Pisa: Edizioni Universitarie Plus, 2010), pp. 37-54
- Il principe Hālid bin Yazīd e le origini dell’alchimia araba, in D. Cevenini, S. D’Onofrio (ed.), ‘Uyûn al-Akhbâr. 3. Conflitti e dissensi nell’Islam (Bologna: Il Ponte, 2009), pp. 85-120 (with Elenora Bacchi)
- Divine Water in Alchemical Works of Pseudo-Democritus, ‘Ambix’ 56 (2009), pp. 5-22
- Chymica Graeco-Syriaca: osservazioni sugli scritti alchemici pseudo-democritei nelle tradizioni greche e siriache, in D. Cevenini, S. D’Onofrio (ed.),‘Uyûn al-Akhbâr. Studi sul mondo Islamico. 2. Incontro con l’altro e incroci di culture (Bologna: Il Ponte, 2008), pp. 219-249
- I giovani e la scienza antica: tra rigore numerologico e calore naturale, in E. Menetti (ed.), Griseldaonline. Una rivista letteraria nell’era digitale (Bologna: Archeotipi, 2008), pp. 126-141 (A revised and enlarged version of the electronic article published in 2005)
- I giovani e la scienza antica: tra rigore numerologico e calore naturale, ‘Griseldaonline’ 5 (2005) []
- L’opera alchemica dello Pseudo-Democrito: un riesame del testo, ‘Eikasmos’ 14 (2003), pp. 161-184
- Problems of Iconometry: Comparing the Citrasūtra with the Citralakshana, ‘The Tibet Journal’ 26 (2001), pp. 149-164
(In press)
- Medicine in the Early Graeco-Egyptian Alchemical Texts (1st-3rd Century AD), J. Rampling, P.M. Jones (eds.), Alchemy and Medicine from Antiquity to the Enlightenment (London: Taylor and Francis, 2017)
- Galen in the Late Antique, Byzantine and Syro-Arabic Alchemical Tradition, in P. Bouras-Vallianatos, B. Zipser (eds.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Galen (Leiden: Brill, 2018)
Short pieces
- Entry ‘Zosime l’alchimiste’ in R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. VII, (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2018), pp. 447-450
- Entry ‘Synesius l’alchimiste’ in R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. VI, (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2016), pp. 676-678
- Entry ‘Stéphanos alchimiste et astrologue’ in R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. VI, (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2016), pp. 557-563
- Entry ‘Sulphur’ in The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Phase 2 (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
- Entry ‘Alchemy’ in M. Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (Springer: online edition, 2015-2016)
- Entry ‘Chemistry’ in M. Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (Springer: online edition, 2015-2016)
- Review of C. Braun, Das Kitāb Sidrat al-muntahā des Pseudo-Ibn Waḥšīya: Einleitung, Edition und Übersetzung eines hermetisch-allegorischen Traktats zur Alchemie (Berlin: Klaus Schwartz Verlag, 2018), ‘Isis’ 108 (2017), pp. 687-688
- Review of L. Principe, The Secrets of Alchemy (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013), ‘Nuncius’ 30 (2015), pp. 517-519
- Review of M. Beretta, F. Citti, L. Pasetti (ed.), Seneca e le scienze naturali (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2012), ‘Ambix’ 61 (2014), pp. 411-412
- Review of M. Martin, La magie dans l’antiquité (Paris 2012), ‘Nuncius’ 28 (2013), pp. 482-483
- Review of E. Nicolaidis, Science and Eastern Orthodoxy. From the Greek Fathers to the Age of Globalization (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011), ‘Nuncius’ 28 (2013), pp. 522-523
- Review of K. van Bladel, The Arabic Hermes: From Pagan Sage to Prophet of Science, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), ‘Nuncius’ 26 (2011), pp. 397-398
- Review of M. Beretta, The Alchemy of Glass. Counterfeit and Transmutation in Ancient Glassmaking (Sagamore Beach: Watson Publishing, 2009), ‘Early Science and Medicine’ 16 (2011), pp. 252-254
- Review of C. Viano (ed.), L’alchimie et ses racines philosophiques. La tradition grecque et la tradition arabe (Paris: Vrin, 2005), ‘Eikasmos’ 17 (2006), pp. 475-482