Foto del docente

Matteo Martelli

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Filosofia

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PHIL-02/B Storia della scienza e delle tecniche

Curriculum vitae

Posizione corrente

Professore ordinario di Storia della scienza (SSD M-STO/05) – Università di Bologna

(2017-2022) Principal Investigator del progetto ERC (Consolidator Grant) "Alchemy in the Making: From ancient Babylonia via Graeco-Roman Egypt into the Byzantine, Syriac and Arabic traditions (1500 BCE -1000 AD)" - Acronimo: AlchemEast 

Posizioni passate

(10.2017-8.2020) Professore associato di Storia della scienza (SSD M-STO/05) – Università di Bologna

(07.2016-09.2017) Ricercatore (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter); Berlin-brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften – Progetto: Galen of Pergamum. The Transmission, Interpretation and Completion of Ancient Medicine (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum)

(09.2012-06.2016) Ricercatore (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter); Institut für Klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – Progetto SFB 980: Episteme in Bewegung; sub-project (diretto dai Prof. Philip Van der Eijk; Prof. Mark Geller): Der Transfer medizinischer Episteme in den ‚enzyklopädischen‘ Sammelwerken der Spätantike.

Fellowships e scholarships

(2010-2012) Post-Doc AvHu-Fellowship; Institut für Klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship Programme (diretto dal Prof. Philip van der Eijk): Medicine of the Mind, Philosophy of the Body

(2009-2010) Post-Doc Edelstein Fellowship; Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia (USA)

(2006) Borsa di studio "Marco Polo Programme"; Centre d'histoire des doctrines de la fin de l'Anquité et du haut Moyen-Âge (CNRS – UPR 76), Paris

(2004-2006) Borsa di studio per il dottorato; Dipartimento di Filologica classica e medievale, Università di Bologna


(2012) Dottorato in Storia della scienza (06.06.2012); Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Università di Pisa (Supervisori: Prof. Maria Michela Sassi; Prof. Marco Beretta)

(2007) Dottorato in Filologia greca (15.05.2007); Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Medievale, Università di Bologna (Supervisore: Prof. Vinicio Tammaro)

(2002) Laurea specialistica in Lettera classiche; Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Medievale, Università di Bologna

Finanziamenti a progetti

(2017-2022) ERC Consolidator Grant (HORIZON 2020), progetto AlchemEast

(2017-2020) Rita Levi Montalcini Grant - declinato

(2017-2019) [Co-applicant; P.I. Dr. Caroline Petit] BA-Leverhulme Small Grant, progetto Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology: Galen's Treatise On simple Drugs


(2011) Il mio libro Pseudo-Democrito, Scritti alchemici con il commentario di Sinesio ha ricevuto il premio ‘Libro dell’anno’ dalla rivista Azogue

(2013) Il mio libro Pseudo-Democrito, Scritti alchemici con il commentario di Sinesio ha ricevuto il premio per giovani studiosi (Prize for Young Historians) dalla International Academy of the History of Science

Accademie (membro eletto) e commissioni di valutazione

(dal 2018) Membro del comitato della Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza

(dal 2017) Membro del comitato della International Academy of the History of Science (webmaster)

(dal 2016) Valutatore esterno per il FNRS (Belgio)

(dal 2015) Membro corrispondente della International Academy of the History of Science

Comitati editoriali

(dal 2017) Book review editor della rivista Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences (AIHS)

(dal 2014) Editorial board della rivista Ambix. Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry

Peer-reviewer per varie riviste (Aries, Eikasmos, Early Science and Medicine, Galenos, Mnemosyne, Nuncius)

Adesioni a società scientifiche

(dal 2018) Membro della History of Science Society

(dal 2018) Membro della Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza

(dal 2014) Membro della Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) – UK

(dal 2012) Membro della Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica (AICC)

Ideazione e organizzazione di conferenze internazionali

Per una lista di workshops e conferenze organizzate all'interno del progetto ERC AlchemEast, si veda:

(2017) (Co-organizzatore) Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology: The Textual Transmission and Interpretation of Galen’s Treatise On Simple Drugs; British School, Roma (22.09.2017)

(2016) (Organizzatore) Early Byzantine Encyclopaedias of Medicine: Problems and Perspectives; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (27.05.2016)

(2016) (Organizzatore) Describing, Classifying, and Transforming Natural Substances in Ancient Sciences; Panel alla International Conference of the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM), Minneapolis - USA (29.04.2016)

(2015) (Co-organizzatore) Medical Knowledge in Motion: Exchange, Transformation and Iteration in the Medical Tradition of the Late Antique Mediterranean World – Panel alla CHAM International Conference, Lisbona (16.06.2015)

(2014) (Co-organizzatore) Female Bodies and Female Practitioners in the Medical Traditions of the Late Antique Mediterranean World; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Freie Universität, Berlin (27-29.03.2014)

(2014) (Co-organizzatore) Jewish Medicine in Context (12 papers) – 4 panels al 10th Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS), Paris (22.07.2014)

(2014) (Co-organizzatore) Medical Translators at Work. Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin Translations in Dialogue; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (20-21.03.2014)

(2013) (Co-organizzatore) Late Antique – Early Byzantine Pharmacology and its Reception in the Talmudic Tradition; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Freie Universität, Berlin (5-6.12.2013)

Relazioni e comunicazioni a convegni/workshops

  1. Hippocrates the Alchemist; XVI. Colloquium Hippocraticum (Colloque hippocratique), Conferenza internazionale Hippocrates and the others, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, 25-27.10.2018
  2. Mineral Drugs in Byzantine and Syriac Recipe-Books on Alchemy, International Conference Drugs in the Medieval World (ca. 1050-ca. 1400), King's College, London, 7-8.12.2018
  3. Making Sense of the Alchemical Terminology: Two Syriac Dictionaries on Alchemy, International Conference Gotha Manuscripts Workshop. Alchemy in the Islamicate World, Gotha Research Library, 28-29.09.2018
  4. Fragments of Greek Alchemy in the Arabo-Latin Tradition, University of Innsbruck (in the framework of the ERC project Nova Scientia), 19.06-2018
  5. Selecting and Organizing Recipes in Late Antique and Early Byzantine Compendia of Alchemy and Medicine. International Conference Learning by the Book: Manuals and Handbooks in the History of Knowledge, Princeton, 6-10.06.2018
  6. Du syriaque à l’arabe, du latin au grec : le De plantis attribué à Aristote et ses traductions, Colloque international De Bagdad à Constantinople : le transfert des savoirs médicaux (XIe-XVe s.), Reims, 24-25.05.2018
  7. Reading the Books of the Sages: Byzantine Hermeneutics of Ancient Alchemical Recipes, 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 10-13.05.2018
  8. Compiling Alchemical Recipe-Bools in Byzantium and Beyond: Between Technical Practice and Antiquarian Interest, International Workshop Testing and Translating Textual Evidence: A Greek Medieval Treatise on Goldsmithing, RGZM, Mainz, 12-15.03.2018
  9. I minerali di Galeno, Seminario di Storia della scienza antica (Università di Milano / MPIGW Berlin), Gargnano, 5.10.2017
  10. Medicines for the Soul and the Soul of Medicines, International Workshop Physchopharmaka in Ancient Greek Medicine and Thought, BBAW, Berlin, 29.09.2017
  11. Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy between Byzantium and the East, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kulturforum, 14.06.2017.
  12. Alchimia e medicina nell'opera di Zosimo di Panopoli, Lecture series Conversazioni su scienza e filosofia antica (org. Prof. Daniela Manetti), Università di Firenze, 31.03.2017
  13. Physiognomic Treatises in Syriac: A Survey, Lecture Series Physiognomik zwischen Orient und Okzident (BabMed Seminar for the History of Science), Freie Universität, Berlin, 31.01.2017
  14. Chromatic Transformations between Alchemy and Medicine: Ps.-Democritus and Miriam the Prophetess, Case Western University / Allen Memorial Medical Library, Cleveland, 23.01.2017
  15. The Graeco-Egyptian Origins of Alchemy: Chromatic Transformations in the Byzantine and Syriac Traditions, Colloquium The Art of Alchemy, Getty Museum (Getty Research Institute), Los Angeles, 19.01.2017
  16. Usi farmacologici delle piante nel trattato galenico Sui semplici, GrAL Workshop Tradizioni del sapere botanico tra antichità e medioevo Università degli studi di Pisa, Pisa 16-17.10.2016
  17. (con Lucia Raggetti) Stone by Stone: Building the Graeco-Arabic Editon of Galen’s On Simple Drugs, Book 9, COMST Workshop Looking back - Looking ahead, Hamburg, 26.09.2016
  18. Byzantine and Syriac Lexika on Alchemy: Problems and Perspective, CEDR Workshop, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, 5-7.05.2016
  19. Aetius of Amida on Diet and Appetite, Workshop Early Byzantine Encyclopaedias of Medicine: Problems and Perspectives, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 27.05.2016
  20. Colouring and Transforming Natural Substances between Alchemy and Medicine, 89thAnnual Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 28.04 – 01.05.2016
  21. Syriac Translations of Medical and Alchemical Texts, International Conference Narratives on Translations (org. Sonja Brentjes), MPIGW, Berlin, 16-20.11.2015
  22. Byzantine Alchemy in Two Late Greek Alchemical Manuscripts from the Meteora and Elassona, International Symposium on Alchemy: From the Late Antiquity to the Early Modernity, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 25-27.06.2015
  23. (con C. Salazar) Galen and Aetius of Amida on the Medical Uses of Earths and Minerals – reception and transformation, International Conference CHAM, Lisbon, 16.07.2015
  24. Religion, Medicine, and Alchemy in Zosimus of Panopolis’ Writings: ‘Well-Timed Tinctures’ and Egyptian Priests, Workshop Lived Ancient Religion and Medicine (org. by Georgia Petridou), Max Weber Kolleg, Erfurt, 28.05.2015
  25. Alchemy and the Aristotelian Tradition. Theories of Metallogenesis between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, Opening Workshop of the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences, 16.04.2015
  26. I libri alchemici pseudo-democritei tra Oriente e Occidente, International Conference Technai e Artes (org. da Vincenzo Carlotta), Università di Pavia, Pavia, 31.03.2015
  27. (con Cale Johnson e Lucia Raggetti) Talking Heads: Identifying Multimodal (Oral-Written) Hybrids in Ancient Mesopotamia, SFB 980 Jour Fixe, Berlin, SFB-Villa, 12.12.2014
  28. Syriac Translations of Alchemical and Medical Texts: Problems and Perspectives, Workshop Participant and observer narratives about medieval cross-cultural knowledge transfer: missing, single or multiple translations (org. by Sonja Brenties), Berlin, MPIWG, 21.11.2014
  29. (con Caroline Petit e Siam Bhayro) Simple Medicines: Greek, Arabic, Syriac, International Conference Interpreting Galen (organized by Philip Van der Eijk), University of Exeter, 13.11.2014
  30. Das Wissen des alchemistischen Körpers in den Werken von Zosimos aus Panopolis, Vorlesungsreihe zum Thema Körperwissen (org. Almut-Barbara Renger), Berlin, FU, 30.10.2014
  31. Astrology, Alchemy and Medicine at the Court of Heraclius, Workshop Meta-Scientific Foundation of Astronomy (org. Pietro Omodeo, MPIWG), Berlin, FU (SFB-Villa), 12.08.2014
  32. (con L. Lehmhaus) Transfer of Medical Knowledge in Late Antique Encyclopedic Traditions – a Preliminary Survey, 10th Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies, Paris, ENS, 24.07.2014
  33. (con C. F. Salazar) Galen and Aetius. Re-Organising Knowledge, Berlin, FU, 26.06.2014 (BabMed Seminars, org. Mark Geller)
  34. Alchemical Laboratory in Graeco-Roman Egypt: Distilling and Sublimating Techniques, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 18.06.2014
  35. Pseudo-Democritus’ Alchemical Works: Tradition, Contents, and Afterlife, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 17.06.2014
  36. Selecting and Epitomizing Alchemical Knowledge: Byzantine and Syriac Manuscripts on Alchemy, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (SFB 950), Hamburg, 05.06.2014
  37. Alchemical Mirrors and Egyptian Idols, Getty Research Center (Villa), Los Angeles, 14.05.2014
  38. Syriac Alchemy: a Reassessment, Workshop “Sources of Alchemy Symposium“ (org. L. Principe) Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, 10.05.2014
  39. L’alchimie syriaque, Table ronde Les sciences syriaques org. Societé d’études syriaques, Paris, 15.11.2013
  40. Teoria e pratica tintoria nell’alchimia Greco-egiziana, International Conference Elisir mercuriali e immortalità. Capitoli per una storia dell’alchimia nell’Eurasia antica (org. prof. Giacomella Orofino, Amneris Roselli, Antonella Sannino), Università di Naples, 5-6.11.2013
  41. At the origins of Graeco-Egyptian medicine: chromatic transformation between medicine and dyeing processes, ICHSTM 2013, Manchester, 21-28.07. 2013
  42. (con Stefano Valente) Appunti su un lessico alchemico bizantino, Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Filologia classica e medievale (ciclo Degani), 4.04.2013
  43. Zosimus and the First Book of Alchemy, SHAC Meeting, Cambridge, 16.03.2013
  44. Situating Byzantine and Syriac alchemical texts, Workshop Sources of Alchemy and Chemistry (org. Prof. Lawrence Principe and Jennifer Rampling), Cambridge, 14-15.03.2013
  45. Alchemy as the art of dyeing, International Conference Laboratories of Art (org. Prof. Sven Dupré e Dedo Von Kerssenbrock-Krosigk), MPIWG, Berlin, 7-8.03.2013
  46. Which kind of alchemy is handed down by the Ms. 67 of the Agios Stephanos Monastery?, 5thInternational Conference of the ESHS, Athens, 1-3.11.2012
  47. Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy: Towards a Visual Approach, Workshop Art and Alchemy(org. Prof. Sven Dupré e Dedo von Kerssenbrock-Krosigk), Max Planck Institute, Berlin, 9-10.02.2012
  48. (con Maddalena Rumor) The origins of Alchemy, Topoi-Haus (Berlin), nel ciclo di lezioni ‘Esoteric Knowledge’, 06.12.2011
  49. Il prôtos heuretês e la scienza antica, Conferenza internazionale Il culto di Epicuro, Ravenna, Università di Bologna, 16-17.11.2011
  50. Alchemy and Medicine in the Greco-Roman Egypt: the Four Books by Ps.-Democritus, International Conference Alchemy and Medicine from Antiquity to the Enlightenment, Cambridge (St. Peter College), 22-24.09.2011
  51. From the Nile to Byzantium: the Transfer of the Greco-Egyptian Alchemy, The 8thInternational Conference on History of Chemistry, Pathways of Knowledge, Rostock Universität, 14-16.09.2011
  52. The Syriac Tradition of Galen’s On simple Drugs, 9th book, International Conference Approaches to Ancient Medicine, University of Exeter, 22-23.08.2011
  53. 1 Enoch and the First Book of Alchemy, International Conference Knowledge to die for: Transmission of Prohibited and Esoteric Knowledge through Space and Time, Topoi-Max Planck Institute, Berlin, 2-4.05.2011
  54. L'alchimie grecque et son développement historique: des origines égyptiennes aux premières traductions syriaques, Université catholique de Louvain la Neuve (Mémosciences), 23.03.2011
  55. The Origins of Western Alchemy: towards a History of the Graeco-Roman Chēmeia, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 09.03.2011
  56. Distillazioni, sublimazioni e passaggi di stato nel Corpus degli alchimisti greci. Conferenza Memoria Scientiae II, Università di Palermo (Palermo Scienza 2011), 23.02.2011
  57. Mercury: Theory and Practice according to Greek Alchemical Texts, Workshop Scientific Objects and their Materiality in the History of Chemistry, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, 26-28.06.2010
  58. Natural and Secret Things: The Alchemical Work of Pseudo-Democritus in its Greek and Syriac Tradition, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, 27.04.2010
  59. Da Oriente ad Occidente e da Occidente ad Oriente: breve storia interculturale dell’alchimia, International Conference Ni Oriente ni Occidente: simposio internacional en homenaje de Rodolfo Gil Benumeya Grimanu, Universitad de Granada, 11.12.2009
  60. Zosime Gréco-Syriaque: théorie et pratique de la melanosis, Workshop Pour un approche interdisciplinaire de l’alchimie grecque. Autours de verre, du cinabre et du bronze noir (org. Cristina Viano), Musée du Louvre (Maison de la recherche), Paris, 18-19.11.2009
  61. La storia dell’alchimia nei testi alchemici greci, Workshop Seminario congiunto dei dottorandi in storia della scienza, Università di Bari, Bari, 26-28.06.2009
  62. Recettes grecques et syriaques attribués à Démocrite, Workshop L’alchimiste à l’œuvre : recettes, produits simples et composés, appareils, Nantes (Maison de l’Homme)-Paris (Sorbonne), 20.05.2009
  63. Alchemical Distillations and Divine Water: the Metamorphosis of Matter, International Conference Metamorphosis between Science and Literature, Università di Bologna, Ravenna, 20-21.11.2008
  64. L’opera alchemica pseudo-democritea: tra sforzo tassonomico e tradizione artigianale, Workshop Seminario di studi sulla scienza antica e la sua tradizione, Università di Milano, Gargnano, Oct. 2008
  65. Analisi critico testuale della prima ricetta sulla fabbricazione dell’oro dello Pseudo-Democrito (CAAG II 43s.), Conferenza internazionale Gli alchimisti greci. Testi, dottrine, confronti – Les alchimistes grecs. Textes, doctrines, comparaisons, Università di Venezia – Universitè de Paris IV – Sorbonne, Venezia, 5-7.12.2007
  66. Towards a New Critical Edition of Pseudo-Democritean Texts, Workshop Medieval Alchemy, Warburg Institute, London, Oct. 2007

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