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Matteo Iaiani

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ICHI-01/C Teoria dello sviluppo dei processi chimici


Collaborazione con:
European Project “Integrated Management of Safety and Security Synergies in the Seveso Plants (SAF€RA 4STER)”
The goal of the SAF€RA 4STER research project (2019-2021) is to get insights into synergies and tensions related to the management of safety and security in the Seveso plants, and to create guidelines and a framework to manage safety and security in a coordinated and integrative way. Two-year research project provided a better understanding of the awareness of European process industries about cybersecurity threats and control measures, and of how threats caused by intentional interferences can be better taken into account in the Seveso plants. The project organisations are Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT (Coordinator), University of Bologna, University of Roma Campus Biomedico and TNO (Organisation for applied scientific research), from the Netherlands. WEBSITE:; JOINT ARTICLE: