Foto del docente

Matteo Farnè

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: STAT-01/A Statistics

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 373KB )

FARNE' MATTEO   Born: 17/10/1988

Current position:

§ October 2015 - now: Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, Research Fellow

§ A.Y. 2015/2016 - Adjunct Professor, School of Economics Management and Statistics, University of Bologna

§ A.Y. 2013-2014 / 2014-2015 / 2015-2016: School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna, Teaching Assistant in Statistics. 


§ 4th March 2016: he receives the PhD in Statistical Sciences at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, with a thesis entitled “Large covariance matrix estimation by composite minimization”, tutor Prof. Angela Montanari.

§ November 2014: he receives the degree of II Level Piano Master by the Musical Institute "G.Verdi" Ravenna, with full score.

§  In Autumn 2014 he attends the Executive Master in Finanza, Controllo, Auditing, Risk Management and Compliance at Sida Group S.r.l. – Sede di Bologna

§ March-April 2014: Department of Statistics, Stanford University, "Statistics and Data Mining III" course by Prof. Trevor Hastie & Robert Tibshirani. Visiting Researcher under the guidance of Prof. Trevor Hastie.

§ In July 2012 he is admitted to the PhD in Statistical Sciences, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, starting in October 2012.

§ Febraury 2012 - June 2012: UCL University College London, Erasmus Exchange for Master Thesis under the guidance of Prof. Sofia Olhede. 

§ September 2010 - June 2012: University of Bologna, Faculty of Statistical Science, Laurea Magistrale in "Statistica, Economia e Impresa" (MSc. in Statistics, Economics and Business), Curriculum Economics, Graduated: 13 June 2012 (full score 110/110 cum laude)

 § September 2010 - June 2012: Collegio Superiore dell'Università di Bologna, Licenza Magistrale (received 31/05/2013).

 § November 2007 - July 2010: Musical Institute "G.Verdi" Ravenna, Piano Diploma, Graduated: 5 July 2010 (9/10).

 § September 2007 - June 2010: University of Bologna, Faculty of Statistical Sciences,  Laurea Triennale in "Statistica, Impresa e Mercati" (B.S. in Statistics, Business and Markets),  Study Path European Economy, Graduated: 8 June 2010 (full score 110/110 cum laude and special mention), under the guidance of Prof. Angela Montanari.

 § September 2002 - July 2007: Liceo Scientifico "Rambaldi-Valeriani" of Imola (BO),  High School Diploma (scientific studies), full score (100/100).


§  5 December 2014 - 7th ERCIM Conference, Pisa, Tutorial on "Multivariate Time Series - Bayesian Dynamic Modelling and Forecasting" by Prof. Mike West 

§  9 December 2010 - 3rd ERCIM Conference, London, LSE, Tutorial on "Statistical Signal Extraction and Filtering" by Prof. D.S.G. Pollock

Work experience:

§ PhD Trainee, European Central Bank, Supervisory Statistics Division, 01.04.2015-30.09.2015.

Development of outlier detection and clustering methods for statistical analysis of banking supervisory data.

Teaching and supportive tutor activities

 § 2012-2013 - Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, Tutor for Master Courses in "Statistical Sciences" and in "Statistics, Economics and Business".

 § 2010-2012 Faculty of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, Teaching Assistant in Linear Algebra.

 § 2010-2011 Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, Tutor for the realization of a survey sampling about ”Statistics and happiness”.

Participation in National Research Project:

§ PRIN2011: Multivariate statistical models for the assessment of risks Research Unit Responsible: Prof. Giuseppe Cavaliere


 § Best student in the Faculty of Statistical Sciences A.Y. 2011/2012.

Language skills:

§  Expert in English.

§  Good in French.


§  Member of young-SIS (Italian Statistical Society)

§  Member of the Board of Collegio Superiore Alumni Association