Foto del docente

Matteo Dian

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/14 Asian History and Institutions


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004



Contested memories in Chinese and Japanese foreign policies. Oxford. Elsevier. Forthcoming. 2017

The Evolution of the US-Japan Alliance. The Eagle and the Chrysantemum. Oxford. Chandos Asia Studies Series. Chandos Books. 2014


Volumi editi: 

Matteo Dian, Marco Clementi, Barbara Pisciotta, (Eds) Building Order on Shifting Foundations: The US Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Regional Divergence. Springer. London and Milan, 2017. Forthcoming.

Matteo Dian, Antonio Fiori, The Chinese Challenge to the contemporary international order. Trento FBK Press. 2014. 



Articoli :

“System maker and privilege taker. TPP, the Pivot and the American grand Strategy” , International Politics, forthcoming

“Interpreting Japan’s Contested Memory: conservative and progressive traditions” , International Relations, 29(3), 2015, pp. 363-377.

“Pivot to Asia, Air-Sea Battle and contested commons in the Asia Pacific Region.” Pacific Review, 28(2), 2015

“Japan, no more a security Consumer” ISPI Commentary. Aprile 2013.

“Japan and the US Pivot to Asia Pacific” LSE IDEAS Strategic Update. Gennaio 2013 (ripubblicato anche come ETH Zurich ISN Report, febbraio 2013)

“L'evoluzione dei partiti giapponesi dopo la guerra fredda.” in Mondoperaio  Aprile 2013

“Mari Disputati: un test di potenza per la Cina in Ascesa”. Limes Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica.  Dicembre 2012.

“State Capitalism: Can it Work?” Aspenia Journal.  Luglio 2012.

“La Sfida dello State Capitalism Cinese” Aspenia. Marzo  2012.


Capitoli in monografie collettanee.


“US foreign policy and contested regionalism in the Asia Pacific Region” in Marco Clementi, Matteo Dian, Barbara Pisciotta, Building Order on Shifting Foundations. The US Facing the Challenge of Fragmentation. Springer, Milan and London. 2017

China's Evolving Approach towards Regionalization Processes”, in Antonio Fiori, Stefano Bianchini, Reshaping Power in a Global World Hybrid Systems andDynamics of Change in Russia and China (Vol 1), Brill, Leiden, 2017.

“Sino-Japanese relations in the Xi-Abe era. Can Two Tigers live on the same mountain?”, in Silvio Berretta, Axel Berkofsky, Lihong Zhang, Understanding China Today An Exploration of Politics, Economics, Society, and International Relations Springer, London and Milan. 2017

"Thomas Schelling, game theory and strategic realism" in Filippo Andreatta, Great Works in International Relations. FBK Press Trento.

"Does liberalization make peace? Political Opening and the Karen Insurgency in Myanmar" in Filippo Andreatta, Emanuele Castelli (eds.) Solutions and Failures of Identity Based Conflicts. Trento FBK Press.

"The US Pivot to Asia and the TPP. A multi dimensional response to the Chinese Rise" in Matteo Dian, Antonio Fiori, The Chinese Challenge to the Western Order. Trento FBK Press.

"The Chinese Challenge, Opportunity or Threat?" (with Antonio Fiori) in Matteo Dian, Antonio Fiori,The Chinese Challenge to the Western Order. Trento FBK Press.

"The Chinese military rise"(with Giampiero Giacomello) in Matteo Dian, Antonio Fiori,The Chinese Challenge to the Western Order. Trento FBK Press.

“Hosts and Hostilities. Base Politics in Italy and Japan” in Silvio Beretta, Fabio Rugge, Alex Bekofsky, Italy and Japan. How Similar Are They?  Springer, Milano. 2014

"Il Pivot degli Stati Uniti verso il Pacifico e l'evoluzione dell'alleanza tra Stati Uniti e Giappone” in Marco Clementi (ed.  Gli accordi di sicurezza nel sistema internazionale contemporaneo, 1989-2010, Soveria Monnelli, Rubbettino, 2012.


Articoli per conferenza.


“Post-Western or Non-Western? Interpretive approach and situated agency in the study of regionalism.” ISA Asia Pacific Conference June 2016

“Free Trade as Region making. RCEP and the evolving regional order in the Asia Pacific.” With Silvia Menegazzi. ISA Asia Pacific Conference June 2016

“Japan, the TPP and the Regional Economic order in the Asia Pacific” Nordic Association for the study of the contemporary Japanese Society April 2016. Trondheim. Norwegian University for Science and Technology.

“Power shifts and regional orders. United States, China and competitive regionalism in East Asia.” ISA Annual Convention. March 2016. Atlanta.


“A new type of great power relations? The United States, China and the process of regionalization in the Asia Pacific region”. Società Italiana di Scienza Politica. Università della Calabria. Settembre 2015.

“A Region is what states make of it. United States, China and competitive regionalism in East Asia”. Standing Group on International Relations. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento. June 2015.

“Japan and Trans-Pacific Partnership” EU-Japan conference State, Obstacles and Prospects of Political and Economic/Trade Relations, European Japan Research Network Conference University of Pavia, , June 2015.

“Sino-centric or Trans-Pacific? Competitive Regionalization in the Asia Pacific region”. ISA Global South Caucus Singapore January  2015. 


System maker and Privilege taker: the Pivot to Asia and the Trans-pacific Partnership”. BISA US foreign policy Working Group. London, London School of Economics.  September  2014.

“Ideas, party politics and contestation in Japanese foreign policy.” Società Italiana di Scienza Politica.  Università di Perugia September 2014.

“Does China have  a structural power? Rethinking the Chinese power and its consequences for the international order.” Standing Group Relazioni Internazionali. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Università di Trento. June  2014.

“Does liberalization make peace? Political opening and the Karen insurgency in Myanmar.” Standing Group Relazioni Internazionali. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Università di Trento. June 2014.



“Air Sea Battle and the Pivot to Asia. New Strategic Equilibria in East Asia Pacific.” International Studies Association and Peace Science Society Joint International Conference. Corvinus University Budapest. Giugno 2013.

“Narrative, apologies and enmity. Theorizing Japan's contested memory” ECPR Joint Session. Johannes Gutemberg Universitat Mainz. Marzo 2013.



“The Eagle in the Dragon's Lair. The Air Sea Battle operational concept in Asia Pacific.” Società Italiana di Scienza Politica.  Università Roma Tre. Settembre 2012.

“ The transformation of the US-Japan Alliance and the “Pivot” towards the Asia Pacific Region”, Società Italiana di Scienza Politica Standing Group Relazioni Internazionali. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Università di Trento. Giugno 2012. 


“Tools of Management. The evolution of the US-Japan alliance” Società Italiana di Scienza Politica Conferenza Nazionale Dottorandi. Università di Torino. Giugno 2011.

“The Shield and the Chrysanthemum. The Pacific Missile Defense System and its consequences on the Japanese security strategy” World International Studies Conference. Porto Agosto 2011.

“The Shield and the Chrysanthemum. Missile Defense and the evolution of the Japanese Security Strategy” Società Italiana di Scienza Politica. Univesità di Palermo. Settembre 2011.

“L'Ibridazione del Crisantemo. L'evoluzione della rappresentanza degli interessi nel Giappone contemporaneo.” Società Italiana di Scienza Politica Università di Palermo Settembre 2011.



“ Dilemmas of the Asymmetry. The evolving dynamic of the alliance between the US and Japan.” European Consortium for Political Research Graduate Conference Dublin City University Settembre 2010.

“Discord and Collaboration in the Pacific Alliance. The US and Japan between new threats and old controversies” Società Italiana di Scienza Politica Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia Settembre 2010.

“Politics of Asymmetry: The NATO and the Alliance between United States and Japan in comparative perspective.” Graduate Network Conference Barcelona Marzo 2010.