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Matteo Berti

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GEOS-03/B Geologia applicata


Zhuo, Lu*; Dai, Qiang; Han, Dawei; Chen, Ningsheng; Zhao, Binru; Berti, Matteo, Evaluation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture for Landslide Hazard Assessment, «IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING», 2019, 12, Article number: 8620663, pp. 162 - 173 [articolo]

Bertello, Lara; Berti, Matteo*; Castellaro, Silvia; Squarzoni, Gabriela, Dynamics of an Active Earthflow Inferred From Surface Wave Monitoring, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. EARTH SURFACE», 2018, 123, pp. 1811 - 1834 [articolo]Open Access

Carrière, S.R.*; Jongmans, D.; Chambon, G.; Bièvre, G.; Lanson, B.; Bertello, L.; Berti, M.; Jaboyedoff, M.; Malet, J.-P.; Chambers, J.E., Rheological properties of clayey soils originating from flow-like landslides, «LANDSLIDES», 2018, 15, pp. 1615 - 1630 [articolo]

Berti, Matteo*; Bertello, Lara; Bernardi, Anna Rita; Caputo, Giuseppe, Back analysis of a large landslide in a flysch rock mass, «LANDSLIDES», 2017, 14, pp. 2041 - 2058 [articolo]

Chae, Byung-Gon; Park, Hyuck-Jin*; Catani, Filippo; Simoni, Alessandro; Berti, Matteo, Landslide prediction, monitoring and early warning: a concise review of state-of-the-art, «GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL», 2017, 21, pp. 1033 - 1070 [articolo]

Guerriero, Luigi*; Bertello, Lara; Cardozo, Nestor; Berti, Matteo; Grelle, Gerardo; Revellino, Paola, Unsteady sediment discharge in earth flows: A case study from the Mount Pizzuto earth flow, southern Italy, «GEOMORPHOLOGY», 2017, 295, pp. 260 - 284 [articolo]

Underwood, S. Jeffrey; Schultz, Michael D.; Berti, Matteo; Gregoretti, Carlo; Simoni, Alessandro; Mote, Thomas L.; Saylor, Anthony M., Atmospheric circulation patterns, cloud-to-ground lightning, and locally intense convective rainfall associated with debris flow initiation in the Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy, «NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2016, 16, pp. 509 - 528 [articolo]

Berti, Matteo; Simoni, Alessandro, Groundwater and ground displacement monitoring in the source area of the Montecchi earthflow (Northern Apennines, Italy), «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA», 2016, 50, pp. 9 - 20 [articolo]

Guerriero L., Revellino P., Bertello L., Grelle G., Berti M., Guadagno F.M., Kinematic segmentation and velocity in earth flows: a consequence of complex basal-slip surfaces, «PROCEDIA EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE», 2016, 16, pp. 146 - 155 [articolo]

Gregoretti, C; Degetto, M.; Bernard, M.; Crucil, G.; Pimazzoni, A.; De Vido, G.; Berti, M.; Simoni, A.; Lanzoni, S., Runoff of small rocky headwater catchments: Field observations and hydrological modeling, «WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH», 2016, 52, pp. 8138 - 8158 [articolo]

Shao, Wei; Bogaard, Thom; Bakker, Mark; Berti, Matteo, The influence of preferential flow on pressure propagation and landslide triggering of the Rocca Pitigliana landslide, «JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY», 2016, 543, pp. 360 - 372 [articolo]

Corsini, Alessandro; Bonacini, Francesco; Mulas, Marco; Ronchetti, Francesco; Monni, Antonio; Pignone, Sara; Primerano, Sabrina; Bertolini, Giovanni; Caputo, Giuseppe; Truffelli, Giovanni; Benini, Andrea; Berti, Matteo, A portable continuous GPS array used as rapid deployment monitoring system during landslide emergencies in Emilia Romagna, «RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA», 2015, 35, pp. 89 - 91 [articolo]

D. Notti; F. Calò; F. Cigna; M. Manunta; G. Herrera; M. Berti; C. Meisina; D. Tapete; F. Zucca, A User-Oriented Methodology for DInSAR Time Series Analysis and Interpretation: Landslides and Subsidence Case Studies, «PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS», 2015, 172, pp. 3081 - 3105 [articolo]

Matteo Berti, Atteso ma imprevedibile: il problema del dissesto idrogeologico in Italia, in: Prevedibile/Imprevedibile. Eventi estremi nel prossimo futuro, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2015, pp. 95 - 114 [capitolo di libro]

Corsini, Alessandro; Ciccarese, Giuseppe; Berti, Matteo; Diena, Michela; Truffelli, Giovanni, Debris flows in Val Parma and Val Baganza (northern Apennines) During the October 2014 alluvial event in Parma Province (Italy), «RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA», 2015, 35, pp. 85 - 88 [articolo]

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