Foto del docente

Matteo Agnoletto

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Curriculum vitae

Matteo Agnoletto is an professor in “Architectural Composition” at the University of Bologna's Department of Architecture. He is a member of the Doctoral school for Architecture. He graduated in Venice, in Architecture, with honours (supervisor: Professor Franco Purini) with a project on the expansion of Modena's cemetery by Aldo Rossi and Gianni Braghieri. He subsequently received a PhD in architectural and urban planning at Milan's Polytechnic, with the thesis Il Pittoresco. Immagini di città tra architettura e natura  (The Picturesque. Images of the city with architecture and nature - supervisor: Professor Cino Zucchi). He worked professionally at the studios of Renzo Piano and Jean Nouvel. He was chief editor of the magazine “Parametro” from 2003 to 2008, editing the special issues of ANY. Un'antologia Sul pittoresco (An anthology and On the picturesque). From 2005 to 2008 he collaborated on the “Architecture” section of the Triennale Design Museum in Milan, where he was advisor   for the Gold Medal in Italian Architecture award and section curator for the exhibitions Good N.E.W.S.  (2006) and Casa per tutti (2008).
He has participated as a speaker at conferences and has held lectures in Rome, Turin, Ascoli Piceno, Perugia, Florence, Venice, Mendrisio, Buenos Aires, Potsdam and Milan.

From 2005 to 2010, with Andrea Cavani and Andrea Zamboni, he founded the ACZ studio of architecture, based in Modena, receiving prizes and awards in national and international competitions, in particular he was amongst the planners chosen for the final round of the Competition “Novello” in Cesena to redevelop the railway buffer zone (coordinator: Secchi-Viganò) and to plan the integrated complex at Bologna's High Speed Station (coordinator: Boeri studio). 

He was awarded first prize in the competition for ideas to redevelop the old town centre of Nonantola (project: "La conservazione della memoria", or Preserving Memory) and of area 3 of the town of Mirandola (project: "Il cielo di Mirandola", or The Sky of Mirandola). He won the competitions to design the temporary auditorium in San Felice sul Panaro and for Mirandola's new music school, as part of the reconstruction programme following the earthquake that hit the Region of Emilia-Romagna. Since 2012 he has been coordinating the Workshop “Ricerca Emilia”, a unit that is working in the places affected by the quake. His many activities have included organising the photo exhibition Giovanni Chiaramonte. Interno perduto which took place at the University of Potsdam, at the Festival of Philosophy in Modena, at the national headquarters of the FAI in Milan, at the Faculty of Architecture in Cesena, at the Rocca di Vignola and at the Hochschule in Munich. He also curated the exhibition Architetture padane (2013) dedicated to the areas hit by the earthquake and Mirabilia (2014) a project carried out with photographer Giancarlo Pradelli on the places, architecture and landscape of Finale Emilia. The Workshop “Ricerca Emilia” also developed studies on the town of Cavezzo's rural heritage, with planning of the San Biagio parish church area and redevelopment of the village of Gavello.

He is coordinator of the “Staveco Project” for the recovery of the former state owned land to be converted into a new university complex for Alma Mater Studiorum.


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