Foto del docente

Massimo Ferri

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Adjunct professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"


Coordination of a Research Project: Applied and Computational Algebraic Topology (ACAT).

Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Machine learning and Knowledge extraction»

Ahmad, F.; Ferri, M.; Frosini, P., Generalized Permutants and Graph GENEOs, «MACHINE LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE EXTRACTION», 2023, 5, pp. 1905 - 1920 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bergomi, Mattia G.; Ferri, Massimo; Vertechi, Pietro; Zuffi, Lorenzo, Beyond Topological Persistence: Starting from Networks, «MATHEMATICS», 2021, 9, pp. 3079 - 3079 [Scientific article]

Mattia Bergomi, Massimo Ferri, Lorenzo Zuffi, Topological graph persistence, «COMMUNICATIONS IN APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS», 2020, 11, pp. 72 - 87 [Scientific article]

Ferri, Massimo, Why Topology for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction?, «MACHINE LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE EXTRACTION», 2019, 1, pp. 115 - 120 [Scientific article]

Angeli, Alessia; Ferri, Massimo; Monti Eleonora; Tomba, Ivan, Shortened persistent homology for a biomedical retrieval system with relevance feedback, in: Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, CD-MAKE 2018, Springer, 2018, LNCS 11015, pp. 282 - 292 (atti di: CD-MAKE 2018, Hamburg, 27-30/8/2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Angeli, Alessia, Ferri, Massimo, Tomba, Ivan, Symmetric functions for fast image retrieval with persistent homology, «MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES», 2018, 41, pp. 9567 - 9577 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ferri, Massimo; Tomba, Ivan; Visotti, Andrea; Stanganelli, Ignazio, A Feasibility Study for a Persistent Homology-Based k-Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm in Melanoma Detection, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION», 2017, 57, pp. 324 - 339 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ferri, Massimo, Persistent Topology for Natural Data Analysis — A Survey, in: Towards Integrative Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, Cham, Springer, 2017, pp. 117 - 133 (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) [Chapter or essay]

Holzinger, A.; Goebel, R.; Ferri, Massimo; Palade, V., Towards Integrative Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, Cham, Springer, 2017, pp. 223 (LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE). [Editorship]

Ferri, Massimo, Progress in persistence for shape analysis, in: Computational Topology in Image Context, 6th Int. Workshop CTIC 2016, Heidelberg, Springer, 2016, LNCS 9667, pp. 3 - 6 (atti di: CTIC 2016, Marseille, 15-17/6/2016) [Abstract]

Di Fabio, Barbara; Ferri, Massimo, Comparing persistence diagrams through complex vectors, in: Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2015, Springer, 2015, 9279, pp. 294 - 305 (atti di: ICIAP 2015, Genova, 7-11/9/2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Niccolò, Cavazza; Massimo, Ferri; Claudia, Landi, Estimating multidimensional persistent homology through a finite sampling, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY & APPLICATIONS», 2015, 25, pp. 187 - 205 [Scientific article]

Ferri, Massimo, The ACAT Project, in: Topics in Mathematics, Bologna, Bologna, U.M.I., 2015, pp. 65 - 73 [Chapter or essay]