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Massimo Canali is Associate Professor of Agri-food Economics at the University of Bologna. His research is concerned with the sustainable development of agriculture and food systems focusing on animal and environmental health economics and One-Health. He worked on international research and development projects for the EU Commission, the EU Parliament, the FAO, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was WP leader in the FP7 Project FUSIONS on food waste and participated in the EU COST Action Network for the Evaluation of One Health (NEOH). Current projects include ELEPHANT (ERASMUS+ project on One Health in South Africa), CoEval2 (JPI-AMR), ROADMAP (H2020 project on antimicrobials use in livestock farming; WP leader), BETTER (COST Action on biosecurity in animal farms; Managing Committee Member), and BIOSECURE (HE Project). He has the National Scientific Qualification of Full Professor of Agricultural Economics.
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