Foto del docente

Massimiliano Zanigni

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-06/A Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Massimiliano Zanigni


From March 1st, 2005 he is Associate Professor of Business Management at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna - Department of Management - Faculty of Economics (Confirmed in 2009).

From March 1st, 2002 he has been Lecturer at the same Department and Assistant to the academic courses of Prof. Paolo Bastia(*), Professor of Business Management at the Faculty of Economics of the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.

(*) Professor of cost and management accounting at the LUISS "Guido Carli" University - Rome, and Vice President of the Italian Academy of Business Economics).

He holds a PhD in Business Economics at the University of Pisa in 2001 .

He took a B.A. in Business Management, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, in 1999.

He has worked teaching topics of management control, planning and control systems, cost accounting, corporate governance and internal auditing. He has worked in several research projects regarding both for profit and not-for-profit organizations. His research areas are in Management Control and Planning, Strategic Cost management , Internal Auditing, Corporate Governance. Books and articles on these topics have been published and papers presented in National and International workshops and conferences.

He teaches/has taught the following courses and has coordinated numerous training programs.

“Planning and Control”, “Performance Management” and “Business Auditing” in the 2010-2011 academic year.

“Planning and Control Systems”, four-year degree course (old system) in Business Economics in the 2001-2002 academic year.

"Corporate Balance Sheet”  course, three-year degree course (new sustem), in Busines Economics and Marketing from the 2002-2003 academic year.

“Economia Aziendale” and “Planning and Control” courses, in the teledidactic degree course C.L.E.C. – C.L.E.M.A.S.T. – C.L.E.I.C.O.N.  from the 2002-2003 academic year.

He is holder of the module of Management Control in the Master "Analysis and management of the automotive sector" of the Faculty of Statistics, University of Bologna (under the auspices of the Centro Studi Promotor) from the 2003-2004 academic year.

He is teacher in several various higher education courses.


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