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Massimiliano Trentin

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: SPS/14 STORIA E ISTITUZIONI DELL'ASIA

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in International Relations


LECTURES Programme by Professor Adel M. Beshai, 4-6 November, 2019

Centro Dipartimentale di Studi Storici e Politici sull’Africa e il Medio Oriente

School of Political Science a.a. 2019/2020

Course in History IR of the Middle East, MA International Relations

Course in Storia internazionale, BA Scienze politiche, sociali e internazionali

LECTURES Programme

by Professor Adel M. Beshai

American University in Cairo (AUC), Egypt

Monday, November 4: 13-15hrs, Aula C, Via San Petronio Vecchio, 32, Bologna

Patterns of Agricultural Development in the MENA Region: Theories and Practice, Factors of Change

Wednesday, November 6: 13-15hrs, Aula B, Via San Petronio Vecchio, 32, Bologna

Interpretations and Misinterpretations of the Development of the Egyptian Economy in the 20th century up to now

Wednesday, November 6: 17-19hrs, Aula B1, Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, Bologna

The Construction of an International Organization: the International Fund for Agricultural Development, (IFAD) at the U.N

Chair: Massimiliano Trentin

Discussants: Alessandro Romagnoli, Francesca Biancani, Francesco Saverio Leopardi, Chiara Lovotti, Luisa Mengoni

Pubblicato il: 22 ottobre 2019