Foto del docente

Massimiliano Tarozzi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Filosofia

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PAED-01/A Pedagogia generale e sociale

Nota biografica

Massimiliano Tarozzi (PhD) is UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education ( ). He is currently full professor at the Department of Philosophy, where he teaches in the areas of General Education and Global Citizenship Education. Chair of the International Research Centre on Global Citizenship Education, he is also in the Board of the PhD in Philosophy, Science, Cognition, and Semiotics (PSCS).

He was Co-director of the Development Education Research Centre at the Institute of Education, University College London, where he has been appointed as Visiting Professor.

He has been visiting professor in many international universities including UCLA, Beijing Normal University, São Paulo University.

He is currently Co-Editor of “Encyclopaideia” and of the book series “Advances in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship” (London: Bloomsbury).

In addition to a number of scientific articles, he has written or edited more than 20 books in the field of intercultural and Global citizenship education and qualitative research methods.

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Via Zamboni 38, Bologna - Vai alla mappa

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