M. Breschi; D. Fabiani; L. Sandrolini; M. Colonna; L. Sisti; M. Vannini; A. Mazzoni; A. Ruggeri; D. H. Pashley; L. Breschi, Electrical properties of resin monomers used in restorative dentistry, «DENTAL MATERIALS», 2012, 28, pp. 1024 - 1031 [articolo]
M. Colonna, Green Polymer Synthesis, in: Sintesi di Materiali Polimerici, ROMA, Nuova Cultura, 2012, pp. 423 - 440 [capitolo di libro]
M. Colonna; C. Berti; E. Binassi; M. Fiorini; S. Sullalti; F. Acquasanta; M. Vannini; D. Di Gioia; I.Aloisio, Imidazolium poly(butylene terephthalate) ionomers with long-term antimicrobial activity, «POLYMER», 2012, 53, pp. 1823 - 1830 [articolo]
M. Colonna; C. Berti; E. Binassi; M. Fiorini; S. Sullalti; F. Acquasanta; M. Vannini; D Di Gioia; I. Aloisio; S. Karanam; D. J. Brunelle, Synthesis and characterization of imidazolium telechelic poly(butylene terephthalate) for antimicrobial applications, «REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS», 2012, 72, pp. 133 - 141 [articolo]
Colonna M; Breschi M; Mazzoni A; Nato F; Ruggeri A Jr; Nucci C; Tay FR; Pashley DH; Breschi L., Effects of pH, ionic strength, and applied voltage on migration of dental monomers in an organic matrix, «DENTAL MATERIALS», 2011, 27, pp. 1180 - 1186 [articolo]
F.Acquasanta; C. Berti; M. Colonna; M. Fiorini; S. Karanam, Glow wire ignition temperature (GWIT) and comparative tracking index (CTI) of glass fibre filled engineering polymers, blends and flame retarded formulations, «POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY», 2011, 96, pp. 2098 - 2103 [articolo]
N. Lotti; M. Colonna; M. Fiorini; L. Finelli; C. Berti, Poly(butylene terephthalate) modified with ethoxylated bisphenol S with increased glass transition temperature and improved thermal stability, «POLYMER», 2011, 52, pp. 904 - 911 [articolo]
M. Colonna; C. Berti; E. Binassi; A. Celli; M. Fiorini; P. Marchese; M. Messori; D. J. Brunelle, Poly(1,4-cyclohexylenedimethylene-1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate): analysis of parameters affecting polymerization and cis–trans isomerization, «POLYMER INTERNATIONAL», 2011, 60, pp. 1607 - 1613 [articolo]
Acquasanta F.; Berti C.; Colonna M.; Fiorini M.; Karanam S., Study of Glow Wire Ignition Temperature (GWIT) and Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) performances of engineering thermoplastics and correlation with material properties, «POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY», 2011, 96, pp. 566 - 573 [articolo]
M. Colonna; C. Berti; E. Binassi; M. Fiorini; S. Sullalti; F. Acquasanta; S. Karanam; D. J. Brunelle, Synthesis and characterization of sulfonated telechelic bisphenol A polycarbonate ionomers, «REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS», 2011, 71, pp. 1001 - 1007 [articolo]
M. Colonna; C. Berti; M. Fiorini; E. Binassi; M. Mazzacurati; M. Vannini; S. Karanam, Synthesis and radiocarbon evidence of terephthalate polyesters completely prepared from renewable resources, «GREEN CHEMISTRY», 2011, 13, pp. 2543 - 2548 [articolo]
Brevetto n. US2010168371A1, Bio-based terephthalate polyesters..
Colonna M.; Berti C.; Binassi E.; Fiorini M.; Karanam S.; Brunelle D. J., Nanocomposite of montmorillonite with telechelic sulfonated poly(butylene terephthalate): Effect of ionic groups on clay dispersion, mechanical and thermal properties, «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 2010, 46(5), pp. 918 - 927 [articolo]
Brevetto n. US2010168372A1, Preparation of bio-based terephthalic acid used to produce terephthalate polyesters.
Brevetto n. US2010168461 A1, Preparation of bio-based terephthalic acid used to produce terephthalate polyesters..