Foto del docente

Marta Morigi

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics


Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Bounding the order of a verbal subgroup in a residually finite group, «ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2023, 253, pp. 771 - 785 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Commutators, centralizers, and strong conciseness in profinite groups, «MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2023, 296, pp. 4948 - 4960 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Centralizers of commutators in finite groups, «JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA», 2022, 612, pp. 475 - 486 [Scientific article]

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., On the rank of a verbal subgroup of a finite group, «JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2022, 113, pp. 145 - 159 [Scientific article]Open Access

de las Heras I.; Morigi M., Lower central words in finite p-groups, «PUBLICACIONS MATEMÀTIQUES», 2021, 65, pp. 243 - 269 [Scientific article]

Detomi E.; Donadze G.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., ON FINITE-BY-NILPOTENT GROUPS, «GLASGOW MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL», 2021, 63, pp. 54 - 58 [Scientific article]Open Access

Lucchini A.; Morigi M.; Moscatiello M., Primitive permutation IBIS groups, «JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY. SERIES A», 2021, 184, Article number: 105516 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Strong conciseness of coprime and anti-coprime commutators, «ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA», 2021, 200, pp. 945 - 952 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Finite groups with small centralizers of word-values, «MONATSHEFTE FÜR MATHEMATIK», 2020, 191, pp. 257 - 265 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M., On finite-by-nilpotent profinite groups, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GROUP THEORY», 2020, 9, pp. 223 - 229 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Profinite groups with restricted centralizers of commutators, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. SECTION A. MATHEMATICS», 2020, 150, pp. 2301 - 2321 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Words of Engel type are concise in residually finite groups. Part II, «GROUPS, GEOMETRY, AND DYNAMICS», 2020, 14, pp. 991 - 1005 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi, Eloisa; Morigi, Marta; Shumyatsky, Pavel, BFC-theorems for higher commutator subgroups, «QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2019, 70, pp. 849 - 858 [Scientific article]

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., On bounded conciseness of Engel-like words in residually finite groups, «JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA», 2019, 521, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Detomi E.; Morigi M.; Shumyatsky P., Words of Engel type are concise in residually finite groups, «BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES», 2019, 9, Article number: 1950012 , pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]Open Access

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