Foto del docente

Marta Galloni

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-01/B Systematic Botany


Fisogni A.; Massol F.; de Manincor N.; Quaranta M.; Bogo G.; Bortolotti L.; Galloni M., Network analysis highlights increased generalisation and evenness of plant-pollinator interactions after conservation measures, «ACTA OECOLOGICA», 2021, 110, Article number: 103689 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Barberis M, Bogo G, Ghisbain G, Alessandrini M, Nepi M, Galloni M, Nectar traits variability in Buglossoides purpurocaerulea (L.) I.M.Johnst, in: 1st Conference of Young Botanists Book of Abstracts, 2020, pp. 1 - 100 (atti di: Conference of Young BOtanists, Genova, 6-7 Febbraio 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bogo, Gherardo; Bortolotti, Laura; Sagona, Simona; Felicioli, Antonio; Galloni, Marta*; Barberis, Marta; Nepi, Massimo, Effects of Non-Protein Amino Acids in Nectar on Bee Survival and Behavior, «JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY», 2019, 45, pp. 278 - 285 [Scientific article]

Gherardo Bogo; Natasha de Manincor; Alessandro Fisogni; Marta Galloni; Laura Zavatta; Laura Bortolotti, Different reproductive strategies and their possible relation to inbreeding risk in the bumble bee Bombus terrestris, «INSECTES SOCIAUX», 2018, 65, pp. 289 - 295 [Scientific article]

Felicioli, Antonio; Sagona, Simona; Galloni, Marta; Bortolotti, Laura; Bogo, Gherardo; Guarnieri, Massimo; Nepi, Massimo, Effects of non-protein amino acids on survival and locomotion of Osmia bicornis, «INSECT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY», 2018, 27, pp. 556 - 563 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bogo, Gherardo; de Manincor, Natasha; Fisogni, Alessandro; Galloni, Marta; Zavatta, Laura; Bortolotti, Laura, No evidence for an inbreeding avoidance system in the bumble bee Bombus terrestris, «APIDOLOGIE», 2018, 49, pp. 473 - 483 [Scientific article]

Fisogni, Alessandro; Quaranta, Marino; Grillenzoni, Francesca-vittoria; Corvucci, Francesca; De Manincor, Natasha; Bogo, Gherardo; Bortolotti, Laura; Galloni, Marta, Pollen load diversity and foraging niche overlap in a pollinator community of the rare Dictamnus albus L, «ANTHROPOD-PLANT INTERACTIONS», 2018, 12, pp. 191 - 200 [Scientific article]

Conte L., Galloni M. (trad.): Botanica sistematica Un approccio filogenetico, Padova, Piccin, 2017, pp. 708
. Opera originale: Autore: Walter S. Judd, Christopher S. Campbell, Elizabeth A. Kellogg, Peter F. Stevens, Michael J. Donoghue - Titolo: Plant systematics A phylogenetic approach [Book (translation)]

Gherardo, Bogo; de Manincor, Natasha; Fisogni, Alessandro; Galloni, Marta; Bortolotti, Laura, Effects of queen mating status, pre-diapause weight and pupae’s sex on colony initiation in small-scale rearing of Bombus terrestris, «APIDOLOGIE», 2017, 48, pp. 845 - 854 [Scientific article]

A. Carta;L. Savio;G. Bedini;L. Peruzzi;A. Fisogni;M. Galloni, All in an afternoon: mixed breeding system in one-day lasting flowers ofHypericum elodesL. (Hypericaceae), «PLANT BIOSYSTEMS», 2016, 150, pp. 1001 - 1009 [Scientific article]

Rossi, Martina; Fisogni, Alessandro; Galloni, Marta, Biosystematic studies on the mountain plant Gentiana lutea L. reveal variability in reproductive traits among subspecies, «PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY», 2016, 9, pp. 97 - 104 [Scientific article]

Bortolotti, Laura; Bogo, Gherardo; de Manincor, Natasha; Fisogni, Alessandro; Galloni, Marta, Integrated conservation of bee pollinators of a rare plant in a protected area near Bologna, Italy, «CONSERVATION EVIDENCE», 2016, 13, pp. 51 - 56 [Scientific article]

Bortolotti, Laura; Bogo, Gherardo; de Manincor, Natasha; Fisogni, Alessandro; Galloni, Marta, Lack of partner preference system for incest avoidance in the bumble bee Bombus terrestris, in: Book of abstracts - EurBee 7, 2016, pp. 146 - 146 (atti di: 7th European Conference of Apidology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 07-09/09/ 2016) [Poster]

Bogo, Gherardo; Bortolotti, Laura; Sagona, Simona; Felicioli, Antonio; Galloni, Marta; Nepi, Massimo, Role of non protein amino acids in nectars: effects on bees behaviour, in: Book of abstracts - EurBee 7, 2016, pp. 69 - 69 (atti di: 7th European Conference of Apidology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 07-09/09/ 2016) [Abstract]

Fisogni, A; Rossi, M.; Sgolastra, F.; Bortolotti, L.; Bogo, G.; de Manincor, N.; Quaranta, M.; Galloni, M., Seasonal and annual variations in the pollination efficiency of a pollinator community of Dictamnus albus L, «PLANT BIOLOGY», 2016, 18, pp. 445 - 454 [Scientific article]