Foto del docente

Marta Barberis

Research fellow

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Teaching tutor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences


Elena Tafi; Simona Sagona; Valentina Meucci; Laura Bortolotti; Marta Galloni; Gherardo Bogo; Domenico Gatta; Lucia Casini; Marta Barberis; Massimo Nepi; Antonio Felicioli, Effect of amino acid enriched diets on hemolymph amino acid composition in honey bees, «ARCHIVES OF INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY», 2024, 115, Article number: e22085 , pp. e22085 - 18 [Scientific article]

Barberis, Marta; Nepi, Massimo; Galloni, Marta, Floral nectar: Fifty years of new ecological perspectives beyond pollinator reward, «PERSPECTIVES IN PLANT ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS», 2024, 62, Article number: 125764 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

M. Barberis; G. Bogo; L. Bortolotti; S. Flaminio; E. Giordano; M. Nepi; M. Galloni, Floral nectar and insect flower handling time change over the flowering season: Results from an exploratory study, «ACTA OECOLOGICA», 2023, 120, Article number: 103937 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

Aronne G.; Fantinato E.; Strumia S.; Santangelo A.; Barberis M.; Castro S.; Cogoni D.; Evju M.; Galloni M.; Glasnovic P.; Klisz M.; Kull T.; Lanfranco S.; Lazarevic M.; Petanidou T.; Puchalka R.; Ranalli R.; Stefanaki A.; Surina B.; Fiser Z., Identifying bottlenecks in the life cycle of plants living on cliffs and rocky slopes: Lack of knowledge hinders conservation actions, «BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION», 2023, 286, Article number: 110289 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Barberis, M; Bogo, G; Bortolotti, L; Guarnieri, M; Nepi, M; Felicioli, A; Galloni, M, Nectar tyramine decreases the duration of bumblebee visits on flowers, «ANTHROPOD-PLANT INTERACTIONS», 2023, 17, pp. 563 - 569 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marta Barberis, Daniele Calabrese, Marta Galloni, Massimo Nepi, Secondary metabolites in nectar-mediated plant-pollinator relationships, «PLANTS», 2023, 12, Article number: 550 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ollerton, Jeff; Trunschke, Judith; Havens, Kayri; Landaverde-González, Patricia; Keller, Alexander; Gilpin, Amy-Marie; Rodrigo Rech, André; Baronio, Gudryan J.; Phillips, Benjamin J.; Mackin, Chris; Stanley, Dara A.; Treanore, Erin; Baker, Ellen; Rotheray, Ellen L.; Erickson, Emily; Fornoff, Felix; Brearley, Francis Q.; Ballantyne, Gavin; Iossa, Graziella; Stone, Graham N.; Bartomeus, Ignasi; Stockan, Jenni A.; Leguizamón, Johana; Prendergast, Kit; Rowley, Lisa; Giovanetti, Manuela; De Oliveira Bueno, Raquel; Wesselingh, Renate A.; Mallinger, Rachel; Edmondson, Sally; Howard, Scarlett R.; Leonhardt, Sara D.; Rojas-Nossa, Sandra V.; Brett, Maisie; Joaqui, Tatiana; Antoniazzi, Reuber; Burton, Victoria J.; Feng, Hui-Hui; Tian, Zhi-Xi; Xu, Qi; Zhang, Chuan; Shi, Chang-Li; Huang, Shuang-Quan; Cole, Lorna J.; Bendifallah, Leila; Ellis, Emilie E.; Hegland, Stein Joar; Straffon Díaz, Sara; Lander, Tonya Allen; Mayr, Antonia V.; Dawson, Richard; Eeraerts, Maxime; Armbruster, W. Scott; Walton, Becky; Adjlane, Noureddine; Falk, Steven; Mata, Luis; Goncalves Geiger, Anya; Carvell, Claire; Wallace, Claire; Ratto, Fabrizia; Barberis, Marta; Kahane, Fay; Connop, Stuart; Stip, Anthonie; Sigrist, Maria Rosangela; Vereecken, Nicolas J.; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; Baldock, Katherine; Arnold, Sarah E. J., Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020, «JOURNAL OF POLLINATION ECOLOGY», 2022, 31, pp. 87 - 96 [Scientific article]Open Access

Barberis M.; Bogo G.; Bortolotti L.; Conte L.; Alessandrini M.; Nepi M.; Galloni M., Gender-biased nectar targets different behavioural traits of flower visitors, «PLANT ECOLOGY», 2021, 222, pp. 233 - 246 [Scientific article]Open Access

Barberis M, Bogo G, Ghisbain G, Alessandrini M, Nepi M, Galloni M, Nectar traits variability in Buglossoides purpurocaerulea (L.) I.M.Johnst, in: 1st Conference of Young Botanists Book of Abstracts, 2020, pp. 1 - 100 (atti di: Conference of Young BOtanists, Genova, 6-7 Febbraio 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bogo, Gherardo; Bortolotti, Laura; Sagona, Simona; Felicioli, Antonio; Galloni, Marta*; Barberis, Marta; Nepi, Massimo, Effects of Non-Protein Amino Acids in Nectar on Bee Survival and Behavior, «JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY», 2019, 45, pp. 278 - 285 [Scientific article]

Barlow, Sarah E.; Wright, Geraldine A.; Carolyn, Ma; Marta, Barberis; Farrell, Iain W.; Marr, Emily C.; Alice, Brankin; Pavlik, Bruce M.; Stevenson, Philip C., Distasteful Nectar Deters Floral Robbery, «CURRENT BIOLOGY», 2017, 27, pp. 2552 - 2558 [Scientific article]

Bogo, G.; Bortolotti, L.; Barberis, M.; Galloni, M.; Fisogni, A.; Quaranta, M.; Nepi, M., Is pollinator activity influenced by non-protein nectar aminoacids?, in: Book of abstracts - International Meeting on Plant Reproduction, 2014, pp. 25 - 25 (atti di: International Meeting on Plant Reproduction, Bologna, 16/09/2014) [Poster]

G. Bogo; Bortolotti, L.; Barberis, M.; Fisogni, A.; Galloni, M., The role of nectar aminoacidic composition in pollinator preference, in: Book of abstracts - International Meeting on Plant Reproduction, 2014, pp. 24 - 24 (atti di: International Meeting on Plant Reproduction, Bologna, 16/09/2014) [Poster]

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