Foto del docente

Mario Marino

Teaching tutor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Useful contents

Materials for Biodemography students

  1. Presentation slides:
    Marino, M., & Scalone, F. (2023). Biodemography Workshop. Presentation and illustration slides. Zenodo.
  2. Example dataset:
    Marino, M. (2023). Italian Nuts2 Sex Ratio - Biodemography Workshop - Example (1.2) [Data set]. Zenodo.
  3. Example and LaTeX template of Data Managemnt Plan:
    Marino, M. (2023). Biodemography DMP Example and Template (1.1). Zenodo.
  4. LaTeX example and template of presentation with custom font:
    Marino, M., & Scalone, F. (2023). Biodemography LaTeX presentation Template and Example. Zenodo.

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