Foto del docente

Maria Teresa Guaitoli

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/D Classical Archaeology


Keywords: Ancient Architecture and urbanism Architectural Archaeology Rescue archaeology Ancient Nomadism Ancient jewellery Archaeological museology Archaeology of the steppes Ethnoarchaeology Public Archaeology Archaeological research Methodology Urban population and settlement dinamics Urban archaeology Archaeometallurgy Antique Historiography Ancient history Ethnoarchaeology Middelage, renaissance and postclassical potteryedieva War Symbols in the ancient world Vocational training of the archaeologist Ancient Literary sources for archaeology

The analysis and interpretation of ancient literary sources and iconographic forms the first theme of research on the study of the nomadism, intended as a typical settlement phenomenon of the steppes of central Asia from the Neolithic to the Iron age, to highlight the attitude of the historians of ancient in regard to this particular corporate organization, in contrast with the sedentarismo identified with the political organization institutionalized of the classical civilisation of the west; the ancient historiography is also used for the interpretation of the perspective of the model of economic policy-a comparison with the data of excavation. Another aspect concerns the study of the metallurgical production of the peoples of the steppes, and of the cultural and commercial exchange with the emporia greeks of the Black Sea.In parallel with this trend extends to North Africa, in relation to the metallurgical production of the peoples of the desert in relation to the coastal cities of the roman province of Africa

- The study archaeo-ethnography related to the production of the goldsmith in classical antiquity, through the analysis of the sources, the comparison with the data of archaeology and the application of the principle analog to the present-day society, ranging from the procurement of raw materials, to the technical realization, the iconography and the symbolism connected to this particular type of production.

- The preventive archeology and, in particular, cases related to urban interventions: methods and techniques applied to the case of the excavation in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Trento

- The professionalism of the archaeologist and of his professional training; - relations with the world of work

- Methodologies, problems and projects exhibition in the field of archaeology. The Museum of San Giovanni in Monte: the exhibition project and realization.

- Overall analysis of the building phases of the complex and of the church of san Giovanni in Monte, in relation to the stratigraphic data findings from surveys, and from the reading of the tracks is high, according to the methods of the archaeology of architecture.




- 1984-1986:

Excavations in the St. Domenico monastery (Bologna) Director: dr. Sauro Gelichi (Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna)


- 1984 (July)

Excavations in the St. Stephen basilica (Bologna). Director: dr. Sauro Gelichi (Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna)


- 1984 (september/october):

excavation in the St Angelo in Campiano “pieve” (Castelbolognese, RA). Director: dr. Sauro Gelichi (Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna)


- 1985 (July):

excavations  in the St. Petronio   Church (Bologna). Director: dr. Sauro Gelichi (Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna)


- 1985 (september-october) – 1986 (september-october)

Excavation in the castrum Sancti Cassiani (Villa Clelia, Imola, BO). Director: dr. Sauro Gelichi (Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna)


- 1985 (november) – 1987 (november-december)

Excavation in the early Middle age settlement Cittanova (Modena). Director: dr. Sauro Gelichi (Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna)


 - 1986 (march-July) – 1987 (september-october)

Excavations in the «mura di selenite» area (via di Porta di Castello (Bologna). Directors: dr. Sauro Gelichi, dr. Jacopo Ortalli (Soprintendenza Archeologica dell'Emilia Romagna)


- 1989 (28 august-20 october)

Excavations in the pre-protohistoric site of Frattesina ( Fratta Polesine , RO) Director: dr.ssa Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri (Soprintendenze Archeologiche di Roma e del Veneto)


- 1990 (July/september)

Survey in the landscape of  Ausculum (Ascoli Satriano, FG) . Director: prof. Giorgio Gualandi, and: dr.ssa Maria Teresa Guaitoli, dr.ssa Elena Antonacci Sanpaolo (Department of Archaeology, Univerity of Bologna)


- 1990-1991- 1992-1993

Excavations in the Bibracte celtic oppidum ( Pâture du Couvent, Borgogna, Francia). Director italian  équipe: dr. Daniele Vitali, and dr.ssa Maria Teresa Guaitoli  (Department of Archaeology, Univerity of Bologna)


- 1999  – 2000

Excavations in the San Giovanni in Monte monastery (court) in Bologna. Director: prof. Giuseppe Sassatelli, prof. Sandro De Maria (Dipartimento di Archeologia, Università degli Studi di Bologna), dr. Jacopo Ortalli (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Emilia Romagna),andi: dr.ssa Maria Teresa Guaitoli (Dipartimento di Archeologia, Università degli Studi di Bologna), dr.ssa Renata Curina (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Emilia Romagna).


- (Jun 2002, 2003, 2004)

Collaboration in the excavation in the Theodoric Villa (Galeata – FC) (Director prof. Sandro De Maria) 

- april 2007

Relief of the St. Gabriel basilica in Kos (Greece). Directors: Isabella Baldini, Maria Teresa Guaitoli, Antonio Gottarelli (Università di Bologna) and proff. arch. Monica Livadiotti, Giorgio Rocco (Facoltà di Architettura – Politecnico di Bari)


-21 maggio 2007-19 dicembre 2010

Director of the excavation in the St. Maria Maggiore Church in Trient 


- Previous teaching experience:

- guided tours and organization of the didactic activity at the Exhibition "The Formation of the City in Emilia Romagna" (XI Biennale d'Arte Antica) from 29 September 1987 to 24 January 1988 (Archaeological Superintendence of Emilia Romagna - Emilia Romagna Region - Civic Archaeologiacal Museum - Ente Bolognese Artistic Events)

- lecturer in the courses organized for the "Project" (Ministère BB.CC.AA. - De Michelis law 1986)

- professor in the field of vocational training for technical-archaeologist, organized by the Emilia Romagna region (IRECOOP with contribution from the European Social Fund, 1987-88)

- Didactic-training interventions during the meetings: "Days for Your Future.
The school meets the changing world of work ", organized by the Municipality of Forlì, Fiera di Forlì 19-20 April 1989

- two seminars related to archaeological photography at the School of Specialization in Archeology in A.A. 1994-95;

- Seminar with Practical Practices on Stratigraphic Reading of Walls and related documentation for students of the Medieval Archeology Course (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy - Prof. MC Pelà) and Archeology of Late Antiquity (Faculty of Preservation of Cultural Heritage - prof. .ssa G. Trovabene) in AA 1997-98;

- two seminars on the methodology of underwater archeology under the course of Archeology and History of Ancient Art (Faculty of Preservation of Cultural Heritage - University of Parma - Prof. Sara Santoro Bianchi) in A.A. 1997-98 and 1998-99.

- Assistance in the final exams of the Archeology Comprehensive School (Greek Archeology) and in the theses of diploma relating to the research aspects of the computerized archiving and archiving of archaeological photographic material (from 1988 to 1992)

- tutorial support for the student Marilisa Ficara, in the course of the Training and Orientation Course: "From University to Business" promoted for A.A. 2001-2002 by the Emilia Romagna Region, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the European Fund and Arstud, in collaboration with the University of Bologna, specifically with the Faculty for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage

- lessons on the stratigraphy of the Archaeological Research methodology (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy - Prof. Luisa Mazzeo Saracino) in A.A. 2002-2003; 2003-2004.


 Professor of the Museological Archaeology'A.A. 2004-2005; 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008: 2008-2009; 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-13; 2013-14; 2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18)

-Professor of the Greek-roman Archaeology and History of Art'A.A. 2009-2010 


- Laboratory of the Medieval potteryA.A. 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009; 2009-2010, 2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-13; 2013-14; 2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18

- Professor of the History of Archaeology'A.A. 2011-2012; 2012-13; 2013-14; 2014-15; 2015-16; 2016-17; 2017-18


· Partecipation in the research projects:


- collaboration in the research project (Ministery funds 40%) 1988: “Collezionismo di Arte Antica”, central coordinator: prof. G. Gualandi


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% )1988: “Catalogazione elettronica della ceramica attica”, coordinator: dr. R. Rosati


- ccollaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% )1989: “Piccola plastica bronzea nei Musei dell'Italia settentrionale”, coordinator: prof. G. Gualandi


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% )1989: “Dinamica delle culture materiali”, coordinator: dr. R. Rosati


- collaboration in the research project (CNR) 1988 e 1989: “Demografia e poleografia antica dell'Italia centro-settentrionale”, coordinator: prof. G. Gualandi


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% ) 1993-94: “Popolamento etrusco e celtico in area padana: Marzabotto e Monte Bibele”, coordinator: prof. G. Sassatelli


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% )1993-94: “Insediamenti romani d'altura. Tecniche di scavo e documentazione”, coordinatore dr.ssa S. Santoro


- collaboration in the research project  (CNR) 1993-94 and 1997-98: “La grande villa romana di Desenzano (BS) come documento delle residenze extraurbane di lusso dal I al V sec. d.C.”, scientific coordinator: prof.ssa D. Scagliarini


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% ) 1995-96: “Relazioni, commerci, scambi tra Etruria padana, Europa e mondo greco”, coordinator: prof. G. Sassatelli


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% ) 1995-96: “Strutture artigianali metallurgiche romane nell'Italia settentrionale”, coordinator: dr.ssa S. Santoro


- collaboration in the research project (Ministery funds 40%) 1996: “Collezionismo di arte antica”, local coordinator: prof.ssa M.C. Genito


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% )1996-98: “Trasmissione di iconografie tra le arti in età romana”, coordinator: prof.ssa D. Scagliarini


- coordinator in the project (Incentive funds) 1997: “Archeologia in rete. Collegamento Bologna-Ravenna: realizzazione sito web e pubblicazioni periodiche per informazione all'utenza”


- collaboration in the research project  (CNR) 1997-99: “Ceramica greca e commerci in Etruria padana e nell'Italia settentrionale”, scientific coordinator: prof. G. Sassatelli


- coordinator in the  project (Incentive funds) 1998-99: “La diateca computerizzata Bologna-Ravenna. Archiviazione informatica multimediale per la didattica e la ricerca”


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% ) 1998: “Città e territorio tra Etruschi e Celti: gli scavi di Marzabotto e Monte Bibele”, coordinator: prof. G. Sassatelli


- collaboration in the research project  (CNR) 1999: “Dalle banche dati all'eidologia informatica la gestione dei Beni Culturali e la ricerca archeologica attraverso il supercalcolo”, scientific coordinator: prof. M. Tosi


- collaboration in the research project (University of Bologna funds 60% ) 2001-02: “Pompei, Insula del Centenario: studio, scavo, valorizzazione”, coordinator: prof.ssa D. Scagliarini


- collaboration in the research projec (Minestery funds 40%) 2201-02: “Le città etrusche di Felsina (Bologna) e di Marzabotto: struttura economica, organizzazione produttiva e scambi commerciali”, local coordinator: prof. G.Sassatelli


-        tenured  research funds RFO (ex-60%) E.F. 2004-2005-2006 : “Archeologia delle steppe in Eurasia: basi economiche e interazioni culturali dal Neolitico all'età del  Ferro in Asia centrale”

-        tenured research funds RFO (ex 60 %) E.F. 2007-2011


- organization and coordinator in the european project: ARCHAIA Training Seminars on Research Planning,   Characterisation, Conservation and Management in A rchaeological Site s ( VI FP – UE)


-        collaboration in the project (MAE funds) “Studio dei materiali archeologici del Museo Nazionale di Algeri e delle monete di Iol nel contesto punico dell'Algeria” “coordinator: dr.ssa Lorenza Ilia Manfredi, CNR – Istituto di Storia delle civiltà italiche e del Mediterraneo antico, Roma)


- Director of project of  Santa Maria Maggiore church excavations in Trient (21 maggio 2007- 19 dicembre 2008):multidisciplinary research: (Methodology and archaeological researchs, Phisical Anthropology, Archaeometry, Museology, Costrumes and traditions studies, Archivistica, Stratigraphic studies of the walls, urban-topographic evolution from roman city (Tridentum) to Renaissance 


·        Other activities :  


- collaboration in the exhibition of Antropology Museum of University of Bologna(1986-87)


- collaboration and organisation: workshop: “La ricerca archeologica subacquea”, (Archaeology Institute, University of Bologna 8-12 may 1989


 - organization in the exhition: «L'Alma Mater e l'Antico. Scavi dell'Istituto di Archeologia» (1991)


- organization in the exhition: «Scavi e ricerche del Dipartimento di Archeologia» (1997)


- editing of the review «Ocnus. Quaderni della scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia» from n. 1, 1993.


- Collaboration in the Scientific Secretaryship: international Congress of  Archeometallurgy, Bologna-Dozza Imolese, 18-21 october 1988


- Scientific Secretaryship in the VI International Congress of Ancient wall Paintings   (Bologna, 20-23 september 1995), I temi figurativi nella pittura parietale antica (IV BC.-IV AC.)


- curator of the workshop: “Acque, grotte e Dei. Culti in grotta e delle acque dall'eneolitico all'età ellenistica” Imola, Palazzo Tozzoni, 11-12 january1997, Comune di Imola – Assessorato alla Cultura – Musei Comunali e Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Archeologia.


- collaboration in the exhibition: “Ori delle Alpi”, Trient 20 Juin – 9 november 1997”.


- collaboraztion in the exhibition: “Bruce Chatwin e il “Tesoro perduto” di Fullol”, Palazzo Poggi, 29 september-2 october 2000; december 2000, cloister of St. Giovanni in Monte monastery


- collaboration  in Congress (didactic paper): “CAA 2001. Computer Applications of Archaeology” 25-29 April 2001, Gotland Island, Svezia 


- organization of the exhibition: "Scoprire. Scavi del Dipartimento di Archeologia", Chiostro di San Giovanni in Monte 18 may-18 juin 2004 (with N. Marchetti, D. Scagliarini Corlaita)


-collaboration and realisation of the exhibition: “Guerrieri, principi ed eroi fra il Danubio e il Po dalla Preistoria all'Alto Medioevo, Trient 19 juin – 7 november 2004”.


Member of Scientific Comitee of exhibition: “Ori dei cavalieri delle steppe. Collezioni dei Musei dell'Ucraina”, Trient, Buonconsiglio Castle 1 Juin – 4 november 2007


Workshop organization: "Emergenza sostenibile. Metodi e strategie per l'archeologia urbana, Bologna 27 march 2009


Workshop organization: "Un Museo archeologico nel Complesso di San Giovanni in Monte: il, patrimonio sottratto e recuperato", Bologna 6 April 2009


Partecipation in Congress: "Chiese altomedievali in Trentino e nell'arco alpino nord-orientale" Trient, Buonconsiglio Castle - Marangonerie, 18 march 2011 (paper: M.T. Guaitoli, Il caso della chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Trento: continuità e persistenze nei primi risultati dello scavo") 


Member of the scientific comitee of the exposition  Le grandi via della civiltà", Trient Buonconsiglio Castle 1 July-13 november 2011


Collaboration in the exposition  "Le grandi via della civiltà", Trient Buonconsiglio Castle 1 July-13 november 2011(education and research of classical sources)

Project and realisation of the exhibition : “ La città e l'archeologia del sacro: il recupero dell'area di Santa Maria Maggiore, Trento, Museo Diocesano 29 novembre 2013– 25 maggio 2014

- Participation, collaboration in the research project, and web-site construction:: “In profondità senza scavare” Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna – Archaeological Section (www.storia-culture-civiltàà-scavare/index,html [,html] ), with: Department of Architecture - University of Bologna, Department of Biological, Geological and Environnemental Sciences - University of Bologna, Istituto per i Beni artistici, Culturali e naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna, Archivio cartografico della Regione Emilia Romagna, MIBACT: Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Emilia Romagna e Direzione regionale per i Beni Culturali e paesaggistici dell'Emilia Romagna, finanziato dalla Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna.



-        Analisys and interpretation of the classical sources and iconographic sorces for the nomadism study in Central Asia from Neolithic to Iron Age: archaeological data and historiogaphy in compare

-        History of metallurgy in the “steppe peoples” and trade with the Black sea greek emporia. 


-Archeo-etnographic study of ancient jewellery: archaeological data, ancient literary source to compar with actually society (ethnoarchaeology): production, tecnologies, iconography ans symbol.

-        Urban archaeology: methodologies and tecnique


- Archaeologist and profession: education and work

-        Methodologies, problems and exposition progects in Archaeology. The Museum of  San Giovanni in Monte: exposition progects and realisation.




-        Analisys and interpretation of the classical sources and iconographic sorces for the nomadism study in Central Asia from Neolithic to Iron Age: archaeological data and historiogaphy in compare

-        History of metallurgy in the “steppe peoples” and trade with the Black sea greek emporia. 


-Archeo-etnographic study of ancient jewellery: archaeological data, ancient literary source to compar with actually society (ethnoarchaeology): production, tecnologies, iconography ans symbol.

-        Urban archaeology: methodologies and tecnique


- Archaeologist and profession: education and work

-        Methodologies, problems and exposition progects in Archaeology. The Museum of  San Giovanni in Monte: exposition progects and realisation.

As part of the project: Archeology of the Steppes: formation and evolution of nomadic societies in Eurasia, one of the research topics relating to the study of dynamics of settlement and the phenomenon of nomadism in the steppes of Central Asia from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, focuses on the analysis and interpretation of ancient literary sources, combined with iconographic ones, precisely on the attitude of ancient historiographers to this particular corporate system, in relation to sedentaryism and institutionalized political organization, an attribute recognized to classical civilizations Western, in order to verify - in this dichotomous situation - whether one can actually speak of a nomadic phenomenon of its own, or rather, it is not a stereotype created by ancient Greek, Roman-Greek and later Byzantine historiography. Another distinctive feature is the study and the interpretation of the symbolic value linked to goldsmith's art and production, which is part of the study of metallurgical production among the peoples of the steppes, and of exchanges - both in cultural and commercial terms - with the Greek emporium of the Black Sea. The analysis is based on the study of excavation data and the collection of finds (in particular ceramics and metals) to define the economic role, significance and weight of individual populations belonging to this horizon. A specific field will cover the study of ancient goldsmiths and metal objects (from excavation contexts and museum collections) to the rebuilding of the social fabric through the value and interpretation of symbology linked to individual power tools, economic aspect related to production and exchange. Another interesting aspect is the analogue comparison carried out through the study of contemporary nomadic societies, and the transition between the nomadism-sedentary or sedentary-nomadic category in the present context - with the exception of the obvious components of variations climatic, environmental and so on. - which in this ethno-archeological and anthropological perspective may allow to acquire data that can also shed light on the same transposed phenomenon in the ancient world, which probably did not take into account the subtle boundary line between the so-called nomadic societies of excellence, bound to transhumance events or certain stereotypes such as the lack of stable (although temporary or seasonal) settlements and a predetermined social order, while deeply differentiated - on the contrary - between a nomadism and another, which can be found specifically in social practices of current populations. The problem that is catalyzed on the steppe world is particularly stimulating also because of the deep ties that were established between the populations that inhabited them and the Greek-Hellenistic (first) and Roman-Byzantine world (later) subject that will be investigated in particular also on the analysis of various types of production and / or livelihood (pastoral / breeding / cultivation / cereal cultivation and wine production), aimed at critically reviewing certain positions or stereotypes spread by ancient historiography. The aim is to identify - through the conveyance of the data emerging from the different search strings, the single identity of each Eurasian population, and at the same time the characters more or less common to the so-called nomadism phenomenon among ancient peoples, not yet well interpreted, and above all in order to bring them to the center of history as elements not only of "frontier" but of "hinges" among the classical civilizations of the West and the great Oriental civilizations, beyond the disadvantage of nomads and barbarians attributed to them from the ancient historians on the imposition of political propaganda. One first realization was the exhibition "Ori of the Knights of the Steppes" (Trento 30 May-6 November 2007) and the presentation of the scientific data in its catalog.
">The next enlargement will cover the extension of research to the situation of the Roman province of Africa through the analogue comparison between desert populations and their relationship with coastal cities in terms of economic exchanges, especially metallurgical products.

Sintesys of Scientific research:

Ø Methodolgy of archaeologycal research and field archaeology (practicies and methods in many casies): from the field research to the archaeological valorisation

Ø Data base application (open source on-line); from the field archaelogy, to data studies: science, education, dissemination

Ø Urban archaeology: archaeological sities enhancement

Ø Archaeologist training: the problems of the education, professional work, laws and relationship with the world work

Ø Musealogical enhancement of the cultural heritage off-site

Ø The ancient sources for archaeology

Ø The problems of ancient jewellery: contexts and messages

Ø Projects in archaeological museology