- Development of acquisition systems for Digital Radiography and
3D Computed Tomography with X-ray beams of various energies. These
techniques are used not only for applications in the medical field,
but also for non-destructive testing on objects of interest in the
industrial and Cultural Heritage fields.
- Development of innovative dosimetric systems for high energy
electron beams used in Intra Operative Radiation Theraphy
- Application of multispectral imaging in the field of Cultural
X-ray Digital Radiography and Computed
Tomography: since several years the research activity of
our group is devoted to the development of innovative acquistion
systems for Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography (CT) with
X-ray sources of various energies. We have set-up several CT
systems, able to perform non-destructive investigations on samples
of different size and composition, with variable spatial
resolutions. Besides the medical field, CT has found applications
also in the industrial and in the Cultural Heritage fields, thanks
to its capability to produce cross-sectional images of the
investigated object in a non-destructive way. Our group has been
recently involved in the European research project DETECT (New
Product Design and Engineering
Technologies based on next Generation
Computed Tomography), for the
development of a tomographic system for industrial applications (CT
of motor heads), with X-ray energies up to 450 keV. Moreover, in
the framework of a research contract with the italian firm ELCA
(Imola), a CT system devoted to teeth imaging was realized and now
it is on the market.. As far as the Cultural Heritage field is
concerned, we have recently set-up a system for the tomographic
investigation of large size objects. With this system we have
performed the CT analysis of several works of art under restoration
at “Opificio delle Pietre Dure” (among which it is worth mentioning
"The Goldfinch Madonna", the famous masterpiece by Raffaello) in
Florence and on the big terrestrial globe by Egnazio Danti located
in Palazzo Vecchio (Florence) . Moreover, a collaboration with
the Center for Conservation and Restoration “La Venaria Reale” in
Turin has been started for the investigation of ancient japanese
statues made of wood. Moreover from 2012, within the project
"Innovative diagnostic tools for Artistic and Cultural Heritage",
funded by the Center Fermi in Rome, a research activity is in
progress concerning the development of a transportable tomographic
system with an X-ray source of medium-high energy (> 300 keV),
dedicated to the analysis of highly radiopaque works of art and
archaeological finds. This research activity is also co-funded by
Dosimetry of high energy electron beams used in Intra
Operative Radiation Theraphy (IORT): IORT is a is a
special therapeutic technique that is used as an adjuvant to
surgery . It involves the delivery in a single fraction of a high
dose of ionising radiation to the tumoral bed, immediately after
surgical ablation of the tumour and before closing the wound . For
this kind of treatment mobile linear accelerators conceived for
direct use in the surgical room are generally used. The dose rate
delivered by these accelerators is higher compared to standard
linear accelerators. This feature introduces serious problems in
the analysis of doses measured by standard dosimetric systems and
justifies the research of new devices for the measurements of dose
in IORT. The dosimeter we are developing is based on the coupling
of scintillating fiber optics bundles with linear arrays of
photodiodes as read-out systems for the light produced in the
fibers as a consequence of electron interactions.
Applications of multi-spectral imaging in the field of
Cultural Heritage: Multi-spectral imaging, based on the
acquisition of digital images in different spectral ranges, is
frequently used as a diagnostic technique in the field of Cultural
Heritage. For example, infrared reflectography is used since many
years for the investigation of paintings on wood or canvas. In fact
it enables the visualization of details underneath the visible
surface of a painting, such as underdrawing and pentimenti, thanks
to the partial transparency of the painted layer when subjected to
IR radiation. Multispectral imaging can also be used for the
investigation of ancient manuscripts and parchments.