Adjunct professor
Vicepresidenza della Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali - Bologna
Research on visual representations of Human Rights, Development and Migration; Anthropology and Cinema; Media and International Development
Multidisciplinary academic background in Anthropology, Cinema Studies, Development Studies, Cultural Studies, International Relations, Media Studies. Focus on migration, human rights, multiculturalism, representations of diversity, culture and ethnicity. PhD in Migration Studies at Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Sussex University. Collaboration with various universities in Italy, UK and US as independent researcher, visiting scholar and Teaching Fellow.
15 years experience as a professional in the field of human rights and development for campaigning and advocacy at international level, collaborating with several INGOs, NGOs, arts, social and cultural institutions. Festival director of Human Rights Nights; founder of the Human Rights Film Network – a global network for human rights festivals;
Vicepresidenza della Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali - Bologna Via Zamboni 34, Bologna - Go to map
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