Foto del docente

Maria Carla Galavotti

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


Galavotti, Maria Carla, Dalla filosofia della scienza alla filosofia delle scienze, in: Problemi d'oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015, pp. 163 - 176 (LE VIE DELLA CIVILTÀ. L'IDENTITÀ EUROPEA) [Chapter or essay]

Galavotti, Maria Carla, From the philosophy of science to the philosophy of the sciences, in: Selected papers from the XXIII Congress of philosophy, Charlottesville, VA, Philosophy Documentation center, 2015, pp. 45 - 54 [Chapter or essay]

Galavotti, M.C., Leggi di natura, prevedibilità, probabilità, in: Prevedibile/imprevedibile. Eventi estremi nel prossimo futuro, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2015, pp. 161 - 183 [Chapter or essay]

M.C. Galavotti, Probability Theories and Organization Science: The Nature and Usefulness of Different Ways of Treating Uncertainty, «JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT», 2015, 41, pp. 744 - 760 [Scientific article]

M.C. Galavotti; E. Nemeth; F. Stadler, European Philosophy of Science - Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese Heritage, Dordrecht, Springer, 2014, pp. 409 (VIENNA CIRCLE INSTITUTE YEARBOOK). [Editorship]

M.C. Galavotti, For a bottom-up approach to the philosophy of science, in: From a heuristic point of view, Newcastle upon Tyne, CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING, 2014, pp. 199 - 214 [Chapter or essay]

Galavotti M.C.; Dieks D.; Gonzalez W.J.; Hartmann S.; Uebel T.; Weber M., New Directions in the Philosophy of Science, Dordrecht, Springer, 2014, pp. 773 (THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE). [Editorship]

Galavotti M.C., New Prospects for Pragmatism: Ramsey's Constructivism, in: New Directions in the Philosophy of Sxience, Dordrecht, Springer, 2014, pp. 645 - 656 (THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE) [Chapter or essay]

M.C. Galavotti, On representing evidence, in: Bas van Fraassen's approach to representation and models in science, Dordrecht, Springer, 2014, pp. 101 - 118 (SYNTHÈSE LIBRARY) [Chapter or essay]

Galavotti M.C., “Probabilistic Epistemology: A European Tradition”, in: European Philosophy of Science -Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese heritage, DORDRECHT, Springer, 2014, pp. 77 - 88 (VIENNA CIRCLE INSTITUTE YEARBOOK) [Chapter or essay]

M.C. Galavotti, Causation and Experimentation, «LA NUOVA CRITICA. NUOVA SERIE», 2013, 61-62, pp. 57 - 82 [Scientific article]

Coordination of a Research Project: The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective.

R. Campaner; M.C. Galavotti, Evidence and the Assessment of Causal Relations in the Health Sciences, «INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE», 2012, 26, pp. 27 - 45 [Scientific article]

Campaner R.; Galavotti M.C., La spiegazione scientifica, Bologna, Archetipolibri, 2012, pp. 187 (STUDI DI EPISTEMOLOGIA). [Research monograph]

M.C. Galavotti, Probability, Statistics, and Law, in: Probabilities, Laws, and Structures, DORDRECHT, Springer, 2012, pp. 391 - 402 (THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE) [Chapter or essay]